Advice for obj export to Modo :)
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 From:  stevey3d
Thanks tijai and Michael.

Michael, where you say join as a solid, do you mean create additional sides so no open planes exist? In the case of my fuselage it is all open.

P.S. Joined the visible surfaces and exported as lwo and it was much better thanks. Some flipping required but was entire sections (e.g. wing, etc) instead of surfaces (e.g. wing top flipped and wing bottom not flipped).

Thanks again

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4258.5 In reply to 4258.4 
Hi Steve,

> Michael, where you say join as a solid, do you mean create
> additional sides so no open planes exist?

Yup, it means having a completely connected skin so that there are no open edges that are not joined between 2 surfaces.

Once you make your object into a solid volume like that MoI will be able to automatically analyze it and determine which side of the object is pointing to the outside of the volume.

You don't have to do this, but it is a good step to do if possible - otherwise if you have an object that is an open surface instead of a closed volume MoI won't be able to automatically tell which side of it is supposed to be the outside of it and it will depend on things like which direction you happened to draw some of the initial curves in.

But yes even if it is not convenient to make a closed solid it is still good to join together adjacent surfaces into larger connected pieces - at least then the entire piece will be consistent.

- Michael
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