Blender Cycles
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4256.24 In reply to 4256.23 
Hi YHWH_777,

> Do Modo and C4D have problems when a mesh is
> edited (or at other times)?

Yeah there are a few quirks here that could still use some tuning in Modo, like if you're in vertex mode and transform all vertices the vertex normals do not get transformed in that case. So you kind of need to watch out how you're transforming your object and transform it in "item mode" where the entire object is handled as one piece.

But just loading a file and then rendering it is fine.

There's a pretty huge difference though between having things get messed up in some particular circumstance that is avoidable, versus having no way to have things get shaded properly at all which is the case in Blender right now.

It is expected that if you yank some individual points around, that the vertex normals should then be recalculated - the vertex normals control how shading is applied to your object so it is tied to the shape of the object. If you pull some points around and change its shape, then that's when it does make sense for the normals to be discarded and recalculated because you don't want the new shape to have the old shading.

But pretty much anything other than that should keep the vertex normals intact.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4256.25 In reply to 4256.24 
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4256.26 In reply to 4256.25 
Hi Pilou, yup that discussion thread is talking about this exact problem.

Anthony says in that thread there that he sent the patch to some Blender devs but that they did not decide to include it into the regular Blender build I guess? That's too bad...

- Michael
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