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 From:  Michael Gibson
4244.9 In reply to 4244.7 
Hi Jeff,

> Is there a quick start guide to the thinking/modelling process?

The best quick start guide are the video tutorials here:

Those do a step-by-step walkthrough for building a few simple models so you can see the overall strategy.

There's also an overview of the process on the introduction page here:

> I think if I think in terms similar to CNC it may be the right
> approach. i.e. take a slab, dimension it, carve/trim off what's
> not wanted and then add in detail (fillets, ...)

Yup, that's a pretty good way to think of it - although sometimes instead of only carving a piece you may model things as separate pieces and use boolean union to fuse them together into one new solid piece.

And also sometimes your "slab" can have somewhat different shapes, like for something that looks like a lathe result use Revolve to build the base form for that, something that's kind of tubular following a path use Sweep.

> Also, what the recommended process is to do these things.
> i.e. I found out I can't just draw curves on two sides of a
> solid, loft them then boolean trim them.

If you want to have a surface cut a solid into pieces, you need to make sure the surface is wide enough to actually divide the solid into 2 completely separate pieces.

If your surface does not actually cross the entire solid, then it would only cut kind of an infinitely thin slot in it instead of actually dividing it into different solid chunks, is that the kind of thing that you're asking about here? If you happen to have the model file that you are talking about if you could post that it would help to give you some more specific advice about that particular situation.

> Also, what would be a simple program to learn polygon modelling?

Try Silo: http://www.nevercenter.com/

> Is this related to "box" modelling that I see mentioned?

Yes, box modeling is one kind of strategy for polygon modeling.


> Is box-modelling taking a polygon-modeled box and deforming it?

Yup, that's correct. It starts with a box, then depending on what you want some pieces may be divided and some faces punched out to make protruding pieces, then the process repeated. Then the whole shape gets smoothed out by applying subdivision smoothing, which kind of takes the rough polygon cage and makes a melted down smooth result from it.

That process is somewhat more like sculpting where you're kind of pushing and pulling on a 3D cage to form your shape. It works best for more organic type shapes.

The process in MoI is kind of more like drawing where you're focused more on drawing curves and constructing pieces of your model from those profile curves. This works best for more mechanical type shapes.

- Michael


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 From:  Jeff (USD5000000)
4244.10 In reply to 4244.8 
Thanks guys for the newbie advice.

Yes, I know that nurbs is best for hard-surface stuff I'm going to work on first. I'm just trying to understand the field and looking ahead to the day when I want to model something organic like anatomy. In the real world I like sculpting and carving so maybe someday I may find myself playing with Zbrush.

When I get a little farther I'm going to start asking or searching the forums about realistic rendering. Just a warning!

Thanks again.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4244.11 In reply to 4244.10 
Hi Jeff,

> In the real world I like sculpting and carving so maybe
> someday I may find myself playing with Zbrush.

Yup, that style of brush-stroke-based deformation modeling is probably even closer to sculpting than box modeling.

There is a free and easy to use similar kind of tool called Sculptris which you may want to experiment with: http://www.sculptris.com/

- Michael
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 From:  Jeff (USD5000000)
4244.12 In reply to 4244.8 
Guys, Thanks for pointing me to sculptris! It's amazing! It's what I imagined 3d sculpting should be like and I'm guessing other software (zbrush, mudbox, ...) are not similar. I don't have time to play with it much since I'm busy and trying to learn MOI in what little free time I have. One comment is that I'm guessing it would benefit a lot from using a wacom tablet. It was a little awkward trying to do some sculpting. I've never tried one a one.

Is there any benefit to using a wacom pen/tablet with MOI?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4244.13 In reply to 4244.12 
Hi Jeff,

> Is there any benefit to using a wacom pen/tablet with MOI?

MoI does not make any use of pressure sensitivity so there isn't really anything along those lines that you would specially gain by using a tablet with MoI. The main plus would just be if you have spent a lot of time previously drawing with a pen or pencil and having something similar to that to grip and manipulate feels very natural to you.

MoI's tablet features are more about not doing things that normally get in the way of tablet use, like needing to touch the keyboard all the time or having too tiny of icons that are hard to hit with a stylus. But these features don't _require_ a tablet, they just avoid making things difficult for using a tablet.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4244.14 In reply to 4244.12 
> Is there any benefit to using a wacom pen/tablet with MOI?
Some are when you are artist and draw with the Free curves functions ;)

Another one is when you are on on working buildings sites with some special latop with pen graphic
that is very confortable!

And last when you are along your swimming pool in a lounch chair for some artistic exploration with only your tablet like Cintiq ;)

It's a pure joy ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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