Thank you Micheal for your feedback, you are very nice and thoughtful, I will appreciate your decision and I hope you don't upset with my post.
I understand what you mean and definitely agree with you in many parts, 3dsmax/Maya is a good example of negative side effects from growing too fast and releasing immature beta(pig) releases every year (+ few servicepacks only a week after ;/), honestly Autodesk messed up both Max and Maya.
It's good to see you working on more advanced features and never trying to compete with similar packages, that's a big point to me.
Sadly I find MoI about 2 weeks ago and I'm using Alternate trial version for now, so I don't have much information about MoI's development in the past, I'm so sorry if I judge quickly without much information. (PS I didn't know MoI is your serious business)
Now MoI's dev-cycle and roadmap is more vivid to me.
I'm looking forward to v3 and I'm sure you rock it like always!
Sorry for language again,
Best regards