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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
4215.10 In reply to 4215.9 
>There are various problems with that - if a setting like that was carried around inside of a file you end up with things like non-advanced user
>opening up a file that was created by an advanced user and then trying to model something new in the file and getting really confused why
>things are either sagging a lot or taking a long time to finish because they don't understand that the advanced user set some special setting in
>the file.

>> or maybe have environment presets where the
>> tolerance is set depending on what the user is planning to
>> model, Large models, medium models, small, tiny and
>> general, something like that?

>Just in general I hate that kind of workflow where you have to make choices or jump through hoops before you can even start drawing things.
>It's a big focus for MoI to try and reduce such overhead and just let you draw more freely...

Yet, at some point a compromise must be made somewhere, yes?

Windows 7 x64, Precision T3400, Intel C2Q @ 3 GHz
8 GB RAM, ATi Radeon HD 3870

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4215.11 In reply to 4215.10 
Hi Nick,

> Yet, at some point a compromise must be made somewhere, yes?

Possibly, if the current system causes problems to enough people.

But right now I haven't heard from very many people requesting to specify what size model they want to create before being able to draw anything though.

Just in general I think that the automatic relative tolerance system is going to work better for more people than an explicitly set one. But we'll see, there is still some tuning needed to do with that relative tolerance system.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4215.12 In reply to 4215.9 
Hi Michael,

> What are the hardware requirements for NX anyway
> - what would they say if you told them you wanted
> to run it on a $300 little netbook computer, probably just laugh?

They would laugh at that request :) not sure on minimum requirements, I heard of people running NX on all sorts of systems, the lowest spec pc I've heard was P4 3.4GHz, 2 GB RAM, and a GEFORCE 6800GT.
Siemens doesn't mention a minimum requirement they have a list of certified machines that their software is test on, this is where I don't want MoI to end up, so if your not running NX on a certified machine your support would be limited, because the pc configuration you have wasn't tried, tested and certified.
One thing I have to admit the certification list is long but still that's not the point, freedom of choice I say.

> It's a big focus for MoI to try and reduce such
> overhead and just let you draw more freely...

That's the reason I'm still here :) I shouldn't say any more until you've tuned up the fitting tolerance area further, and I know it will improve, then we'll continue this conversation later.......or maybe not.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4215.13 In reply to 4215.12 
Hi Danny, so one thing I was thinking of was possibly having a "High accuracy fitting" checkbox that you could enable that would then lower the fitting tolerance by an additional factor of 10, basically targeting a tolerance of 0.0001 for regular sized objects instead of 0.001 . That would be a setting that would go in the moi.ini file so it would affect only your installation of MoI and not travel to other people with file transfers.

That seems like it would then hit the highest level of accuracy that you were using with NX projects but still not enable people to shoot themselves in the foot which ends up happening fairly frequently if it can get set to just any value.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4215.14 In reply to 4215.13 
Hi Michael,

What a good idea! either/or is a good way to go without adding any doubt to the user, just a few questions though;

1. How would 0.0001 tolerance effect the performance of MoI?

2. When the file does transfer to others with MoI, or transferred out to the other CAD formats, will that model retain the 0.0001 accuracy and does that mean that anyone else
will continue modelling at the default 0.001 or whatever is set on other CAD packages?

3. Now I'm thinking, is a factor of 10 too much, maybe a factor of 5 making it a tolerance of 0.0002 would be ample, would there be a difference between the two?

Cheers and thanks for looking into this from a mechanical engineers point of view.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4215.15 In reply to 4215.14 
Hi Danny,

> 1. How would 0.0001 tolerance effect the performance of MoI?

Well, there would be some negative side effects like some calculations taking longer but it shouldn't be too horrible. Things can get to be quite a bit worse when it's a few more orders of magnitude beyond that.

The problem with it being able to get set to just any value at all is that it is not uncommon for someone to just think something like "hey, to be on the safe side I'll set the accuracy to 0.000000001 so that there's no doubt that it will be accurate enough." But then as a consequence anything that produces a result by iterative refinement will take a lot longer to finish and will produce extremely dense curves. And once you get every intersection curve being made up of something like 100,000 control points, it will create much, much larger files.

But having a way to kick it up just one more notch from the default would help keep it from getting too crazy.

> 2. When the file does transfer to others with MoI, or transferred
> out to the other CAD formats, will that model retain the 0.0001
> accuracy and does that mean that anyone else will continue
> modelling at the default 0.001 or whatever is set on other
> CAD packages?

Well, the accuracy level is only something that comes into play when geometry is being created or intersected or things like that. So it's kind of baked into the model data itself in a certain sense. That's why it has a big effect on model size - when you have set a really high accuracy level it means that the geometry that gets spit out from things like surface/surface intersections (during boolean calculations for example) has a lot more control points in it because there it continued to refine things until it hit a higher threshold of accuracy.

The tolerance that is used for any further operations in some other CAD system will depend on how their tolerance system works.

> 3. Now I'm thinking, is a factor of 10 too much, maybe a factor
> of 5 making it a tolerance of 0.0002 would be ample, would there
> be a difference between the two?

There's not really a huge difference just in a factor of 2 like between 0.0002 and 0.0001 .

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4215.16 In reply to 4215.15 
Okay, sounds good to me, will we see this in the first beta of V3 ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4215.17 In reply to 4215.16 
Hi Danny,

> will we see this in the first beta of V3 ?

I don't know if it will be in the first one or not, but I've got it on my list now and it shouldn't be too difficult so it should be feasible to do it early on in v3 at least.

The v3 beta period shouldn't be too far away now - I'm getting pretty close to being done with the huge UI architecture overhaul. I basically have 2 more areas left to complete - the area for command options and the scene browser.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4215.18 In reply to 4215.17 
< scene browser
Groups will be in the party?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4215.19 In reply to 4215.18 
Hi Pilou,

> Groups will be in the party?

Certainly at some point in v3, but the main goal to start with is to just get the same kind of scene browser working under the new UI system.

Once everything from v2 is all functional again, then I'll be starting in on completely new features.

- Michael
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