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 From:  Michael Gibson
4196.13 In reply to 4196.12 
Hi macray - yeah piping tends to make a particularly heavy display mesh so you'll probably see a pretty good memory reduction with the rougher display settings.

Another thing that I'd like to try in the future is something more like make an initial rough display mesh for everything and then go through and in the background calculate denser and smoother ones but only if there is plenty of memory still available.

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
4196.14 In reply to 4196.9 
>Yup MoI.exe is already marked as large address aware.

Awesome. Thanks.

Windows 7 x64, Precision T3400, Intel C2Q @ 3 GHz
8 GB RAM, ATi Radeon HD 3870

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