About Selection with only browser
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 From:  YHWH_777
4194.3 In reply to 4194.2 
>> It would be nice to have an "All Styles" choice at the bottom of the Styles list, as well as an "All Objects" at the bottom of the Objects list.

After some further thought, I realize that this doesn't make sense.

Instead, it would be good if you could right click on one of the Styles and select an option that might say something like "Display Only This Style". This would then hide all other Styles, except the one Style that you are choosing. You could then do the same thing with Objects and Types.

And instead of right-clicking on the Style and choosing from an option menu, you could use a different key combination, such as Alt-Click to hide everything, but the one that you are right-clicking on.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.4 In reply to 4194.2 
Hi YHWH_777,

> It would be nice to have an "All Styles" choice at
> the bottom of the Styles list, as well as an "All Objects"
> at the bottom of the Objects list.

Those would end up being just duplicate functionality of the already existing "All objects" entry under Types though.

Also in addition to Types > All objects you can use the Edit > Hide button to control object visibility without regard to categories.

Just in general avoiding too much duplication of functionality helps keep the interface leaner.

(EDIT: sorry didn't see your other message yet when posting this one)

> And it would probably make more sense if the current
> "All objects" choice was renamed to "All Types" instead.

You can rename this if you want - go to the \ui subfolder underneath MoI's main installation folder, and open up the file EnglishStrings.txt inside of a text editor like notepad.

That text comes from this line:
Scene browser type All objects=All objects

If you change the text on the right-hand side of that = sign that will change the text that is used for that part of the scene browser.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.5 In reply to 4194.3 
Hi YHWH_777,

> Instead, it would be good if you could right click on
> one of the Styles and select an option that might say
> something like "Display Only This Style".

This part is actually already possible - if you right click on the eye icon for a style, it will hide all the other styles and leave only that one style visible. If you right click on it a second time it will show them all.

So that right-click works like a kind of "isolate" function - hide everything else other than that particluar slot.

> You could then do the same thing with Objects and Types.

You can do the same thing with Objects and Types, but when you use the controls in those sections you will be dealing with objects using those categories and not styles anymore.

There isn't any kind of persistent memory that keeps the initial hiding of objects using styles to still be enforced when you go to some other section of the scene browser and start using it. If there was, then that could end up with some pretty complex situations where you would need to go to multiple sections of the scene browser to enable a bunch of different things before you could be sure you were actually seeing all red objects for example.

In the future I do want to have a kind of "filter" mechanism that would enable that kind of cross-section interaction though. But it's better to have that as a separate mechanism, trying to have just the regular visibility mechanism have that kind of stickyness leads to a lot of complexity.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.6 In reply to 4194.1 
Hi Pilou,

> No problem as there are only 3 natures of these objects
> (Cylinder, Cone, Sphere)
> But when I have thousand of different natures?
> There is not an only selection nature Object when Color is yet selected?

In the future I want to have a "filter" mechanism that would help with this kind of thing.

That would be something like - go to the Red style and set it as an active filter (some kind of icon would show on it or something like that), then when that was set if you used other sections of the scene browser the controls would only target objects with style = red in addition to their regular categories.

But it is possible to get what you need currently by using a couple of steps with selection though.

> Say I want see only "red cubes" on the screen with the follow image

Step 1 - start by right-clicking on the eye icon for boxes in the Objects section of the scene browser.

You should now see only all cubes being displayed on the screen. Now the task is to hide all things with style = red.

Step 2 - go to Style = Red in the scene browser, and hold down the Shift key and click on its text label (the text that says "Red", that's where to click to do selections). This will select all the red objects that are currently visible. When you hold down the shift key it means that it will only select visible objects, if you don't hold down shift it will select all of them and make any hidden ones become visible (there is a setting in moi.ini to make the Shift behavior the default, I'm thinking of switching it to be default in v3 also).

Step 3 - invert the selection by Select > Invert (this is a handy thing to put on a keyboard shortcut for I, to do that set the command part of the shortcut key to script:moi.geometryDatabase.invertSelection(); )

Now everything except for the red boxes is selected.

Step 4 - use the Edit > Hide button to hide those objects and you will be left with only red boxes being shown.

In the future a filter mechanism should help to make this easier, but for now you can get what you need by those steps above - the particular trick is to make sure you hold down the Shift key when doing the selection in the scene browser, to only target currently visible objects to be selected.

If you only wanted to do some operation to all the red boxes (like scale them, rotate them, etc...), you could actually skip step 3 & 4 because they are all selected at step 2.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
I tend to use the locking mechanism as a filtering system, holding the CTRL key and right click the style or object to filter, everything else will be 'unselectable'. This method can also be used with Pilou's example.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4194.8 In reply to 4194.6 
Hi Michael
I am agree with your description but...
Step 1 Right click on the eyes of the Cube ok
Step 2 clikc + SHift on the Text of red label OK reds cubes are selected
Step 3 Inverse selection curiously don't works!
the button inverse selection function (or the "I" key) don't inverse the selection !
the inverse function disable only the red cubes selected but not select the inverse !!!

so don't works!

If I begin by the Colors then Objects
that's works !!!
Step 1 right click on the eyes of the Red color = all red objects are visible

Step 2 Shift + click on the Text of the Cube = only red cubes are selected

Step 3 Inverse Selection = all red objects except red cubes are selected

Step 4 Hide selection! = Only Red cubes are visible that I Want !
all is ok
So seems begin by the Color is the right order? Curious, curious :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.9 In reply to 4194.8 
Hi Pilou,

> Step 1 Right click on the eyes of the Cube ok
> Step 2 clikc + SHift on the Text of red label OK reds cubes are selected
> Step 3 Inverse selection curiously don't works!

I guess you must have some sub-objects selected of the cubes, like faces are selected instead of "whole objects".

When you have a sub-object selection then doing an invert selection will only invert the selection of those sub-objects.

Another thing that you can use instead of inverting the selection is to right-click on the Edit > Hide button - doing a right-click on that button will perform an "Isolate" function where it hides everything other than what is currently selected.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.10 In reply to 4194.8 
Hi Pilou,

> If I begin by the Colors then Objects
> that's works !!!

By doing that order you ended up with "whole object" selected before doing the invert, instead of having "sub objects" of those cubes selected which is probably what happened with the other way.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
In the 2 cases I begin with nothing selected!
I have only simple primitives 3D
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
The file ;)
You must find one "red cube" ;)

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 From:  BurrMan
4194.13 In reply to 4194.12 
Right click style red eye
double clcik ball object eye
double clcik cyl object eye.
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 From:  BurrMan
4194.14 In reply to 4194.13 
Left clcik object cube
Right clcik red style eye
right clcik hide twice
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 From:  BurrMan
4194.15 In reply to 4194.14 
Right clcik object cube text
right clcik hide
right clcik hide
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Burr, MoI square dancing steps?

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 From:  BurrMan
4194.17 In reply to 4194.16 
""""""""MoI square dancing steps?""""""""


I suppose that would be "Rat Click Had... Rat Clcik Had.. Now Dosey Doe!!! :o
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Here's another,

CTRL+RMB eye of 'cub'
Pick style 'Rouge'
ALT+RMB Hide (twice)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.19 In reply to 4194.11 
Hi Pilou,

> In the 2 cases I begin with nothing selected!
> I have only simple primitives 3D

Yes, but there is a difference between how the name label is assigned compared to how the Styles are assigned.

The name label is assigned to the "top level object" - meaning the solid that is the parent container object that owns the faces and edges.

The Style = Red on the other hand is not assigned to the parent object, it's only assigned to face and edges sub-objects and not to the parent container object.

So when you do a "select things with style = red", what you end up with is a sub-object selection, similar to if you had selected 1 face or or edge for example. And when you have a sub-object selection, doing an Invert after that will invert the selection of sub-objects inside of the parent container and not invert the selection of top level objects.

This is due to the script that I sent to you earlier by PM - in that script I forgot to have the script assign the style to the parent object - instead it ended up assigning the styles to sub-objects only leaving the parent object actually assigned to a different style. It's difficult to see this since what you see on the screen is actually the edge and face sub objects.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.20 In reply to 4194.12 
Hi Pilou,

> The file ;)
> You must find one "red cube" ;)

Follow the same first 2 steps that I wrote previously here:

And then for the 3rd step instead of inverting the selection, just right-click on the Edit > Hide button instead.

So do these steps:

Step 1 - right click on the eye icon for cub in the Objects section of the scene browser.

Now only boxes are being shown.

Step 2 - go to Style = Red in the scene browser, and hold down the Shift key and click on its text label.

Now the red edges and faces are selected.

Step 3 - right click on the Edit > Hide button, here:

The result is just one red box being displayed, and it's actually one less step than what I wrote originally. This method is not sensitive to the styles being assigned only to sub-objects and not to the parent.

Note that if you want to repeat these steps more than once, you may need to do the right-click in the 3rd step twice, because the way that right-click isolate function works is that the first time you use it, it makes a memory snapshot of the current display properties and then hides everything other than the current selection. Then when you use it again it restores that memory snapshot - object visibility will be the same then as before you did the isolate. So it actually works in sets of 2 clicks - 1 right click to isolate and then the 2nd right click to restore.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4194.21 In reply to 4194.12 
Hi Pilou, so here's an updated script for assigning random colors:

script: /* Assign random styles to solids */ var styles = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjectStyles(); var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBReps(); for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { var brep = breps.item(i); var style_index = Math.floor(Math.random() * styles.length); brep.styleIndex = style_index; }

This script also assigns the style to the parent object instead of only to sub-object edges and faces like the previous one that I sent you by PM - if you use this script instead of the previous one to assign the colors then it won't have the tricky behavior with the invert selection.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4194.22 In reply to 4194.21 
Ok! Now that works in 3 steps with the last new script! ;)
Right click on the eye's Cube
Shift + Click on the Color text Label
Right Click on the Hide Button

Thanks for all this swinging selection!
All seems now working fine! :)

THX also to Mr Bur, and DannyT for add some test variations :)

PS So maybe a good thing to put also an Hide / Show and Inverse selection buttons (icone) inside the Browser for avoid to accoss the screen with the Graphic Pen /mouse?

EDITED: 17 Apr 2011 by PILOU

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