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 From:  Tony77
4167.6 In reply to 4167.5 
unfortunately my wireframe is more complex

I have to create a wooden surface of 4 cm with this form

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.7 In reply to 4167.6 
Hi Tony,

> unfortunately my wireframe is more complex
> I have to create a wooden surface of 4 cm with this form

You probably want to do this in smaller pieces. Try selecting your current wireframe and using Edit > Separate to break it apart into individual curve pieces.

Then add in some connecting lines like this:

Now you have some 3 and 4 sided regions which can be surfaced by selecting the outline of each individual region (just one region at a time) and using Construct > Network, like this:

Then go on to the next region:


You can't easily do a shape like this all in one single run of a surfacing command due to the triangle corner areas - those are spots where one side needs to kind of stop in place on one side but continue along the other rail sort of like a pivoting action. Surfacing commands don't know how to do that kind of "stop and pivot" at some internal spot, they try to just build one even surface between the rails or guide curves, and they want to march in steps along the rails all the time instead of doing any stopping. So if you need that kind of pivoting you have to split things up into some smaller curves and do the pieces around the pivot separately.

If you have a section where there is a longer evenly matching sequence without any internal pivots then you can do sections like that all in one Network or Sweep.

Hope this helps!

- Michael


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 From:  Tony77
4167.8 In reply to 4167.7 
Thanks Michael

I solved this way
If I wanted to create a solid surface like this should do
copying more than 4 cm above and then do a sweep around the surface and join?

sorry for the translation but I'm using a translator

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4167.9 In reply to 4167.8 
Maybe like this?

EDITED: 4 Apr 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.10 In reply to 4167.8 
Hi Tony,

> If I wanted to create a solid surface like this should do
> copying more than 4 cm above and then do a sweep around
> the surface and join?

Yes, that would work, for that part you would probably want to use the Edit > Join command to join up the individual curve segments into one big long curve so you could build that part all in one go.

But also instead of using Sweep you could use Extrude of your bottom curve to make the side piece, or also Loft which may actually be the most convenient.

For example if you have 2 curves like this:

If you want to make a surface between them, you can select them and then run the Loft command, it will then build a surface like this:

So similarly if you have 2 curves like this (each of these is a curve that has been joined together to select as a single object, not as individual separate lines anymore):

You can select them and run Loft to build this:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.11 In reply to 4167.10 
Then when you have the top and bottom and side pieces all built, you can select those surfaces and use Edit > Join to join all those surface pieces together into a closed solid.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You don't like my method? :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.13 In reply to 4167.12 
Hi Pilou,

> You don't like my method? :)

You mean for building the side walls? Your method would work, but extruding a bunch of faces like that is going to make a lot of individual solids, so then you'll probably want to do some extra steps like selecting all of those little solids and doing a boolean union to combine them together. That would work but it just more steps than selecting 2 curves and using Loft...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4167.14 In reply to 4167.13 
In fact my method was false :(
I must remplace "Normal" by "Z" :)
Because like this all facets take the same orientation of the first "Normal" face, that is not good for this roof situation!

I will go change the image above!
And you right I must make a Boolean union if I want an single volume
For the speed maybe it's the same?

Select all faces
Make extrude along Z
Select all
Make boolean union
select curves
Join them
Copy vertical
Draw a ligne
Make Loft
Select curves + faces plan
Join all
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Tony77
4167.15 In reply to 4167.14 
Thanks Michael and Pilou
You have helped me a lot
I'm happy to use this program is really great
and easy to use
good job Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.16 In reply to 4167.14 
Hi Pilou - for doing a loft you don't have to draw a line, once you have the original curve and a copy above it, you select those 2 curves and do a loft to get the surface. You'd need to draw a line if you were using something like Sweep instead of Loft.

Any way that gets the job done is fine of course! But using Boolean Union in that way will rely on the Booleans detecting all the exactly overlapping faces between all the pieces, which should work but it will be doing a lot of analysis and detection work in the boolean to figure that out.

Doing a Loft + Join ends up doing a lot less internal calculations, and just in general a method with less calculations is good because less calculations = less potential for things to go wrong...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4167.17 In reply to 4167.16 
yes but in the file given all were separated so take only a perimeter for the original curves was not so easy!
you must click on each extenal segments so 14 clicks
for the faces only 11 clicks ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.18 In reply to 4167.17 
Hi Pilou, you don't have to only click on curves individually - just use window select to grab many things all in one action, like this:

For a case like this when there isn't anything else in the model you can also use Ctrl+A or also in other cases using the Scene Browser Types section can be useful for selecting all objects of a certain type.

But often times if you have a lot of things in one area, just using a window selection as shown above can save a lot of clicks! :)

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4167.19 In reply to 4167.18 
Yes but for the last file given by Tony 77 (Wireframe) it was not possible without some manipulations :)
There were "internal edges"
Or I miss something : does exist External selection ?
Loop selection don't work in this case!

EDITED: 4 Apr 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.20 In reply to 4167.19 
Hi Pilou - when I open up Wireframe.3dm from above I get the image shown in the above screen capture with just the outline wire... Do you see something different?

The other file Roof.3dm file has more stuff in it.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4167.21 In reply to 4167.20 
Sorry it was the wireframe3.3 not the last ! post # 8
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4167.22 In reply to 4167.21 
Hi Pilou, I see... But you still don't necessarily have to do individual clicks - instead you can hide things that are getting in your way.

Go to the scene browser Types section and click on the eye for "Surfaces" to hide all the surface pieces in 1 click.

Then after that, a few crossing window selections like this:

Now you can hide those and then you have just the outline that you want to work with showing, or you can also invert the selection. But if stuff is getting in your way you should generally try to hide it earlier in the process as you are working.

Note that for those window selects I'm doing a "crossing" selection, where it starts on the right and drags towards the left. That kind of dragging selects any object that touches it in any way, if you start on the left and drag towards the right it only captures things completely inside the window. The crossing rectangle (right to left one) is shown with a dashed border instead of a solid border.

Also if you know that you are going to want to make a joined outer ring of lines, it's good to just do that during the earlier stages of the model like in that previous Wireframe.3dm file, before you even add the other internal stuff.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
4167.23 In reply to 4167.22 
Yes the dashed box selection is good for that :)
And the Browser makes miracle's selections!

EDITED: 4 Apr 2011 by PILOU

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