> Would it be possible to have a Bend along curve option. It would go well with
> your new boolean curves to form shoe treads, tires and stuff like that.
Hi Grendel - it is unfortunately quite difficult to do this properly.
For regular transforms like move/rotate/scale/mirror, transforming the control points of a NURBS surface is the same thing as transforming the definition of the surface itself perfectly.
I mean if you have a NURBS sphere and you scale the control points it has the exact same effect as scaling the "ideal" sphere.
But bending is not like this - if you bend the control points of a NURBS surface along an arc shape, the actual surface geometry is not bent precisely at the same arc shape. It will kind of follow the general bend, but it won't be exact - this is a problem because in an assembly where there are a bunch of different surfaces that are trimmed and joined together, if some of them are not precisely transformed in relation to each other, it will cause gaps to open up in places where there are supposed to be shared edges.
So that's why there tends to not be a lot of "bendability" of NURBS solids. Things that do support it (like the new stuff in Rhino V4) do a lot of work to "refit" the surfaces by adding extra points until they conform to the transformation with enough accuracy.
- Michael