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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.44 In reply to 412.43 

Must be a little headache for code that :)
Some aeras have some priority to other?
Order of selection make some differrence?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.45 In reply to 412.44 
> Must be a little headache for code that :)

:) Yes...

> Some aeras have some priority to other?

For closed regions it works like extrude - a closed area that is contained inside of another outline will become a hole inside the outline.

> Order of selection make some differrence?

It's not supposed to...

- Michael
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 From:  Ken (JWLRYMKR)
One feature that would be nice is that when a vector is highlighted, the dimensions would show up somewhere. Possibly in the same area that shows the dimensions when drawing them?
When I work with many small circles, etc. it sometimes becomes difficult to remember what the dimensions are.



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 From:  tyglik
Hi Michael,

Are you sure MoI's users will be able to learn all those boolean stuff? What about analogous command to Rhino's _Boolean2Objects?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.48 In reply to 412.47 
> Are you sure MoI's users will be able to learn all those boolean stuff?

Well, there are no additional commands so there is not too much to learn - there are just more interactions available between different types of objects with the same commands.

I have probably spent a bit too much time struggling with the curve booleans with open curves though... But it is pretty cool and it's another thing that I'm not sure if anything else out there can do.

> What about analogous command to Rhino's _Boolean2Objects?

I believe this command was created in Rhino due to people getting confused about doing booleans with open surfaces and having the result be different depending on the surface normal orientation. That means that you need to be aware in advance of your normal direction and possibly flip it with the Dir command before doing the boolean - well a lot of people don't know about doing that part in advance and get surprised by results different than they intended when using open surfaces, so this was a fairly frequently asked question.

With Boolean2Objects, it will step through different surface normal orientations for open surfaces, one by one, so you don't have to worry about the normal directions in advance of doing the command.

In MoI I have solved this in a different way - when you do a boolean using a surface, MoI will just generate a couple of different objects for you and if you don't want one you can just delete it. I think this is easier to understand, and it is yet another instance of building more stuff into a single command rather than introducing an additional specialized command.

As another benefit it works well to handle multiple surfaces in one shot, as in this previous example:

In contrast, Boolean2Objects can only handle well, 2 objects at a time...

For solid/solid booleans, the regular operations are well defined - I don't really see why it is necessary to have a separate command that steps through all the different possibilities for this, just pick the proper operation at the start and you're done.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.49 In reply to 412.46 
Hi Ken,

> One feature that would be nice is that when a vector is highlighted,
> the dimensions would show up somewhere. Possibly in the same
> area that shows the dimensions when drawing them?

What I have been thinking of for this is to have an "object properties" panel that appears in the top portion of the side bar, where command options normally go when you are running a command. Somewhere on there would be a way to see probably width and height of an object, and some additional information for certain special objects like the length of a line or the radius of a circle.

However, I have don't expect to have time to work on this until after V1 is finished.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.50 In reply to 412.49 
Ok, making more progress. Maybe I'll be ready by tonight.

I've decided to make Union do this:

Or another one:

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.51 In reply to 412.50 

First result is for help the klutzy people :)
Is that work for curve lines too on a same plan?
And for lines not in the same plan? (but with commun points)

Your second result is for mad geometrician :)
Are you sure that you obtain that from your previous inclined grid?
You have moved or erase something?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.52 In reply to 412.51 
Hi Pilou,

> Is that work for curve lines too on a same plan?

Yes - all of these curves were on the same plane.

> And for lines not in the same plan? (but with commun points)

Nope, this will only work for curves that are all on one common plane.

> You have moved or erase something?

Yes sorry I forgot to mention - I moved a couple of pieces to illustrate that the results are all closed loops, not just separate line segments.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
412.53 In reply to 412.48 
OK. So friendly tutorial designed to bring all boolean stuff into the open might be enough.
I am still not sure if the result of boolean curves will be predictable easily, though. We will see after releasing new beta...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.54 In reply to 412.53 
Struggling a bit with a few remaining bugs for open curve handling. I'll release the beta tomorrow with some of these bugs still in it, some of them may be hard to fix for V1.

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
412.55 In reply to 412.54 
I think you can wait till Monday... -Petr
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.56 In reply to 412.55 
I'm pretty close... It should be a bit later on today.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.57 In reply to 412.56 
Ok, looks like the major problems have been solved - I'm building a new release right now, won't be much longer.
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 From:  Schbeurd
Hi Michael,

You just gave us an incredible beta and here I'm already coming with feature suggestions... Users are really cruel don't you think ! ;-)

So, what about fillets with variable radii. Can this be a V.2 feature ? Not only Nurbs modeler have it (Amapi, Rhino), but it's also present in some poly modelers like Hexagon and in my opinion this would be a cool option in MoI too.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.59 In reply to 412.58 
Hi Bernard, yes I do expect to be able to have variable radius fillets for V2. The geometry library that I'm using supports them, I just have not had time to do a user interface for them for V1.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Just a suggestion :)
After the the special intersection boolean (Mars 9) the "new merge" :)
It's not possible to "develop automaticaly on a line" the objects created ? Something like the "line" of the "Array Dir" !
That will be terrific of simplicity and so effective!

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 10 Mar 2007 by PILOU


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
In the same order of idea
The funny thing of your Boolean treatment is we can put any lines around the object and make the boolean diff in the same time! (lines here erased)

So something cool will be a function "explode" from a central point for automaticaly separate the objects created :)

Ps Object can't be move also by arrows key?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 10 Mar 2007 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.62 In reply to 412.61 
> The funny thing of your Boolean treatment is we can put any
> lines around the object and make the boolean diff in the same
> time! (lines here erased)

Yup, you can use any number of cuts at the same time.

> So something cool will be a function "explode" from a central point for
> automaticaly separate the objects created :)

This and the sort of "slide like array dir" are definitely cool ideas!

But I think it will be a while before I will be able to work on them though, there are some other more basic things I should fix up before that.

> Ps Object can't be move also by arrows key?

Not yet... But that is another good feature that will come sooner or later. I'm not sure if this one will get into V1 or not yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
A button or icon or Shortkey for "Reset" on the all view in the same time
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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