Hi Dryriver, thanks for the feedback!
Some of those items will be quite difficult to achieve, so it will probably be difficult to find enough time to devote to those anytime soon, those will have to be longer range type ideas.
One exception:
> - Drill and Stamp tools. A shortcut for drilling holes of a given diameter or
> shape through an object, or using a boolean object as an additive/subtractive
> stamp.
There is some support for this in the current version - it is possible to do a boolean operation on a solid using just a curve as the cutting object.
So for instance if you have a solid object and you want to cut a circular hole in it, draw a circle curve of the desired radius and placement of your hole, and then select the solid, run Construct / Boolean / Difference, and select the circle as the cutting object. This will bore a hole with the profile of your circle through the solid object.
You can do some other similar interactions as well, like draw a line that divides the object in 2 parts from one particular view, then do Boolean Difference and use the line as a cutter - this will slice the solid into 2 solids using the line as a cutting tool.
This type of curve/solid interaction also works with Boolean Intersection and also Boolean Merge.
Boolean Merge is kind of like a stamping tool in that it cuts objects up but leaves all the pieces behind.
So for instance if you have a sphere and then a circle in front of it, if you select them both and run Boolean Merge, the circle will become imprinted on the sphere and leave all the parts behind, unlike Boolean Difference that removes material inside closed regions.
Thanks for the feedback and ideas!
- Michael