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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.131 In reply to 412.129 
Hi Pilou,

> All was made by Moi (Symetry too)
> problem on the left
> After Symetry problem is inversed!!!

I'm not sure that I completely understand, but one thing to try is to make sure to use Edit/Join to join surfaces that are next to each other so that they become one object that has a shared edge.

MoI should create polygons with a consistent direction on them when there are shared edges.

I'm not sure from just looking the image (instead of seeing a .3dm file), but it looks like the smaller object there has different orientations along each of its 3 surfaces - this is possible if they are surfaces that are just positioned next to each other instead of joined.

If there is an object that is all joined together but is generating meshes with inconsistent normals between different pieces of the same object, then that would be a bug. If this is the problem it would help to have an example model so I could fix the bug.

> Open surfaces (transformed in poly) seems have a problem in Moi ?

Well, open surfaces should work without a problem, but there is not an automatic "outside" direction that can be calculated for an open surface, unlike a closed surface.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.132 In reply to 412.131 
Previously I wrote:

> Well, open surfaces should work without a problem, but there is not an
> automatic "outside" direction that can be calculated for an open surface,
> unlike a closed surface.

However, I should be able to do something automatic for surfaces of revolution, even if they are open.

Since they have a central axis I should be able to point the normals to the outside of that.

So that's one thing that should be not too hard for me to fix up.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
thx for the answer :)
Waiting the 3dm from Steph for fix the situation :)

another complaint :)
Seems Moi export to OBJ all objects even "hidden" objects !
Is that normal?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.134 In reply to 412.133 
> another complaint :)
> Seems Moi export to OBJ all objects even "hidden" objects !
> Is that normal?

Sounds like a bug in MoI, it should be easy to fix this one up.

One other thing Steph may be interested in - the next beta will also have an improvement to Hide, so that when you show hidden objects you will be able to select which ones you want to show instead of just everything being shown. That should help out a bit for more complex scenes.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.135 In reply to 412.131 

Here the 3dm about the open Surface!
Bonne chance!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.136 In reply to 412.135 
I see that those pieces that have different orientations were not actually touching each other, so join would not help out there.

However, everything here is a surface of revolution so I should be able to get all these pieces oriented as you would expect.

Thanks for the file!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.137 In reply to 412.136 

Good news :)

Last complaint of the day (night) :)
Is it possible to have an export obj extra "low poly" (a circle ---> quasi a square)
towards the limit! Push the cursor to the fewer polygone

See this little movie
Objects are Moi at different resolution

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.138 In reply to 412.137 
> Is it possible to have an export obj extra "low poly" (a circle ---> quasi a square)
> towards the limit! Push the cursor to the fewer polygone

I should be able to figure out some way to add this in as an option.

I guess what I can do for this is to add an "Angle" box to the advanced settings part of the mesh dialog.

The slider currently is used to set the angle, but it is limited to a range between 35 degrees (for fewest polygons) to 3 degrees (for the highest number of polygons). If you could enter in a particular value directly then you could get something coarser, he probably wants something more like 90 degrees in this case.

Of course you will get really bad looking models when doing this...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.139 In reply to 412.138 

Thx for the efforts ! (fewer Polygons)
>Of course you will get really bad looking models when doing this...
Yes but it's for animation near/ far away :)

For the "normals" I will try to explain the Steph problem :)
C4D knows to remake the good "normals" : its the "Backface Culling" function during the rendering
It was disable for show you the the aspect of normals after the "poly transform" in Moi

Why it's a problem? In real time "Backface Culling" makes to lost performance (speed) and create annoying other probs :(

Normals can be also be remove in the good way in C4D before the rendering in but in this case
informations of the "Normal Smoothing" based on the Nurbs objects is lost :(
And that is a pity because the "Moi Normal smooth" quality are very good for simulate the perfect forms of nurbs objects even on Low Poly Object!

It's why if "good Normal orientation" can be made in Moi that will be the paradise :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 24 Apr 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.140 In reply to 412.139 
Hi Pilou,

> Normals can be also remove in the good way before the rendering in C4D
> but in this case informations of the "Normal Smoothing" based on the Nurbs
> objects is lost :(

But why are the normals lost in C4D upon the flip?

This sounds to me like a bug in C4D - it should not lose the "good vertex normals" when you do a flip, it should just reverse those accurate normals and keep them around instead of throwing them away.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.141 In reply to 412.140 

<But why are the normals lost in C4D upon the flip?
Asked to Steph :)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

Does it possible to adapt the script "arrow key rotation 3D view" to a selection? :)

When nothing is selected the 3Dview is rotated with the arrow key
When something is selected the selection is rotated with the arrow key (useful in any view!)
/ by the center of gravity of the selection (or by an another point) ?

I suppose yes, but I am some rusted for this little brain sport ;)
Maybe enter somewhere a numeric angle rotation will be also useful
actually 6° can't make 10° :)

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EDITED: 25 Apr 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.143 In reply to 412.140 

Steph answer :)
C4D don't work with "smoothing's normal", only with a global Phong angle parameter smoothing!
So it's a real luck that C4D can even yet recover perfectly Moi's Normal !!! Other 3D prog can't (Hexagon...
So seems that is a C4D bug!

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EDITED: 25 Apr 2007 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.144 In reply to 412.142 
> When nothing is selected the 3Dview is rotated with the arrow key
> When something is selected the selection is rotated with the arrow key
> (useful in any view!)
> / by the center of gravity of the selection (or by an another point) ?

Hi Pilou, currently I don't think there is a way to do this since there isn't a way for a script to get the center of gravity of the selection right now. I can add this at some point in the future but I don't think this will be ready for V1.

> Maybe enter somewhere a numeric angle rotation will be also useful
> actually 6° can't make 10° :)

Well, if you requie a 10 degree rotation you can alter that script to have a 5 degree or 10 degree rotation instead of 6 degrees.

Is there something that you're doing that requires an exact 10 degree view rotation?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.145 In reply to 412.143 
Re: C4D

Well, it can't just be an accident that C4D uses the good normals to start with - that means they have some support for vertex normals in there.

The problem is that pre-defined vertex normals don't really work well with further point manipulation. If you select a point of the model and drag it to a new location, the vertex normals need to be changed as well.

It is understandable that during that type of an edit that the "good normals" would be eliminated and other ones created by averaging polygon faces.

However, this is not the case for a "flip" edit - in the case of doing a direction flip it is possible to preserve all the normals and just flip their directions as well.

The problem is that C4D apparently treats a "flip" edit the same as a "drag point" edit.

If Steph could request to them to not destroy the existing normals on a "flip" edit, that would be a nice improvement to C4D.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.146 In reply to 412.144 
Nothing special in 3D view, only if arrow keys can works for a "selection"
In this case any angle will be possible :)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
412.147 In reply to 412.145 
Despite the fact of this C4D bug seems other 3D prog have same problem !
hexagon, Subdo...
So a very cool thing will be in Moi in the OBJ export mode
all faces/normal "back to camera" in blue color : just click over for inverse it !
here in Subdo
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412.148 In reply to 412.147 
While we are on the subject of the obj exporter I would like to suggest that the user be able to select whether to export to a Y up or Z up coordinate space. Right-handed or Left-handed coordinate space? For now I sometimes need to rotate the whole object before or after the export, depending on which app I am exporting to, which I admit is not a major step.

Sorry if this has already been requested.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.149 In reply to 412.147 
> Despite the fact of this C4D bug seems other 3D prog have same problem !
> hexagon, Subdo...

Hi Pilou, well normally it is not a terrible problem since all those programs provide a method for reversing the normals for a mesh.

I'm not familiar with Subdo, does it have no "flip" capability in it?

If it has a flip function, then use the flip function and your problem will be resolved.

Also if you are doing double-sided rendering, then it does not matter which direction the normals are pointing.

> So a very cool thing will be in Moi in the OBJ export mode
> all faces/normal "back to camera" in blue color : just click over for inverse it !
> here in Subdo

Hmmm, well if the normal direction did not matter to you, it would be rather strange to have some surfaces appear in blue, it could easily cause someone to think "I wonder what is wrong with that surface, why does it look different", when for their purposes nothing was actually wrong with it at all.

But I could see possibly doing this as an additional option, something like a "show normals" checkbox in the advanced section.

> just click over for inverse it !

Well, stuff like this doesn't just happen automatically, I will have to add additional code to handle clicking on mesh objects, I don't currently have a provision for this.

I'm getting very close to the end of development for version 1.0, so I am trying pretty hard to reduce the amount of brand new work that I'm doing for a while. So I'm not sure if I will get this into version 1.0 or not.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
412.150 In reply to 412.148 
> While we are on the subject of the obj exporter I would like to
> suggest that the user be able to select whether to export to a Y
> up or Z up coordinate space.

Hi Joe, there is an option for this but it is currently only settable in the moi.ini file -
[OBJ Export]

If you turn SwapAxes=n there, then it will export to a z-up coordinate space.

I do plan on making that setting available in the Settings dialog, once I get a chance to overhaul the settings UI.

- Michael
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