3dm. export to Keyshot 2.1/2.2
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4078.4 In reply to 4078.1 
Hi Maxim, also another reason why MoI does not try to store render mesh data in a 3DM file is that there are various limitations on it, like no n-gons, no ability to weld vertices but have distinct UV and normals for 2 faces that share a common vertex, and no way to have multiple materials on different faces within a single solid.

Using OBJ format does not have any of these limitations, that's another reason why it's better to send mesh data to a renderer by using OBJ format rather than attempting to store render mesh data inside a 3DM file.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4078.5 In reply to 4078.3 
Hi Michael,
Hi Maxim,
As far as I can remember KeyShot(HyperShot) never really handle .3dm NURBS data very well it always relied on the mesh data in Rhino files.
Another good export option is STEP, I found KeyShot converts STEP data pretty good.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4078.6 In reply to 4078.5 
Hi Danny - re: STEP - one issue with that is that material (style) assignments on different faces within the same solid will not go through with STEP, but it will with OBJ format. OBJ is just a more commonly used way to transfer render data...

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
4078.7 In reply to 4078.6 
Hi Michael,

You're right about the individual faces you loose that with STEP or KeyShot used to, I haven't been keeping up with it lately so I don't know if anything has changed.
I mention STEP because of the two stage result; save as STEP, import into KeyShot, where as .obj is; save as, manipulate mesh, then import into KeyShot. I know some engineers that don't want to mess around with meshes, they just want a quick picture and KeySot's meshing of STEP files is pretty smooth.

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