Project Messiah - dare to share ?
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 From:  blowlamp
The penultimate paragraph from their site says "...In the event the goal is not met, we will simply refund everyone". So as long as they're true to their word, there shouldn't be a problem - lovely jubbly.

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 From:  Grendel
I bought one Pro license. I think they just want to grow their user base by a large amount quickly to expose new people who have been on the fence or not able to purchase because of cost. I think their growth probably leveled off and they want a new user influx for future releases.
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4028.10 In reply to 4028.9 
I went for it, too. I hope it's not just a scam.
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 From:  WillBellJr
4028.11 In reply to 4028.10 
It's not a scam, they claim a refund if the goal is not met so it seems like a safe bet.

Even though I swore never to give them money again, I have to admit $40 to get their top of the line package is a steal no matter how you look at it.

From my previous experience with them, I'm still going to abstain from giving them my money again.

I'll put this heed out there for the rest of you folks to think about as you consider buying into this package.

First, this is totally my opinion from my experience with the company. If things have changed since, when I dealt with them, then perhaps, all the better...

Messiah is a continual work in progress. A lot of software are works in progress. MoI is a work in progress.

However from my experience, when >bugs< are discovered in the software, typically they are not immediately fixed; the experience you enjoy here with Michael IS NOT what you're going to see with Messiah!

You won't see ALL of version 5's "stated features" FIXED and working BEFORE the move onto V6 - it's a rolling development where I'll say, "eventually" things get fixed as time moves on.

The majority of bugs are usually fixed within the next paid upgrade for the package - let this sink in as you consider buying into this package!

Unlike say Michael who completes ALL the stated features in a specific version, and then "teases" you to buy the next version by letting you play with a "Beta" of the upcoming features (thereby getting you >hooked<), these folks (IMO) hook you by fixing the bugs you've been complaining about, in the next version.
(Now I don't know about you, but I prefer Michael's way, which is way more of an "attractive" incentive than the frustration I've experienced with the Messiah folks - which turned into negative incentive in my case!)

If you come across a small bug, an annoyance at most, great, BUT if you find show stoppers with certain features (as I did), you can submit bug reports till your face turns blue but don't expect a FIX until it's time to pay again for the NEXT upgrade.

Keep this >business practice< in mind as you buy into this program and company...

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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
4028.12 In reply to 4028.11 
I understand what you're saying, but I have version 4.5 and the $40 is a cheap way to upgrade to V5. Personally I haven't found any bugs that are show stoppers. There are improvements needed but then what application can't be improved or doesn't have bugs?
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 From:  WillBellJr
4028.13 In reply to 4028.12 
Well I agree, $40 is an absolutely wonderful chance for you to get whatever issues you may have with v4.5 fixed without having to pay the full upgrade cost.

Again IMO, I don't know if that scheme is any worse than requiring yearly maintenance as Autodesk does.
(At least so far AD has consistent with giving out mid-year updates and service patches.)

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 From:  Jim (JIMCRAFTON)
I've got 4.5 too, been using ALOT on a project for my wife. It has a lot of weird idiosyncrasies that drive me nuts, but despite that I do think, for animation at least, it's a really good package. I'm not happy about how they go and fix bugs either, but at least this gets me a good deal on an upgrade if they make their goal. But I do agree, the company as a whole doesn't represent itself very well at all. On the other hand, the guys at are just amazing, with lots of tutorials and info there. And it beats the hell out of character animating in Houdini!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Progress bar : 82 % at this day ;)
How I know that?
Just see the source code of the page :)

Maybe 4% can be added by the rounded ending image :)

EDITED: 12 Feb 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
4028.16 In reply to 4028.15 
Goal reached about an hour ago. They are allowing a short time to place orders for those with connection difficulty. (17 hours to go).
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 From:  WillBellJr
4028.17 In reply to 4028.16 
LOL, I have to say it's tempting! :-P

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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
I actually got this email today:

Act now for 0% financing on all Autodesk software

Not sure if it's connected but I had a mental image of a little bead of sweat
on the brow of the sleeping giant. ;)

(hmmm, that might make for a good animation)
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 From:  WillBellJr
If AD had a "buy back in" for Softimage, I'd perhaps consider it again.

Funny thing is, I can still renew my maintenance (and pay a $100 "late fee" - thanks for the punishment, AD) but would still have to renew up again in September...

The one thing I was really looking forward to was the ICE kinematics components for modeling / rigging functionality, and of course NOW all that stuff is being added in.

The last thing I was got was FaceRobot before I let it go.

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