Beginners tutorials?
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 From:  BurrMan
402.34 In reply to 402.33 
Do pods use steroids? I did not know that!
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 From:  jiro (MOIJIRO)
402.35 In reply to 402.34 


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 From:  jiro (MOIJIRO)
402.36 In reply to 402.35 
Ok, did the next 2 tutorials. I'm enjoying this program alot Michael.
So user-friendly for the artist. What do you and everyone recommend now after the 3 tutorials?
I will review all 3 again, keep notes and make sure i get the overall concepts and tools. Thanks!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
402.37 In reply to 402.36 
Hi jiro, looks like you have been making progress!

There are some other tutorials available on the Resources page - from the main MoI home page (, click on the Resources link at the top and that will open a page that has a "Tutorials" section which lists some other tutorials that are available.

There are some videos made by Steph there that show construction of a couple of other objects, and Daniele's lamp tutorial and a few others.

But other than that, just think up some ideas and try making some of your own shapes using the same kind of techniques that were covered in those first 3 videos, is probably the best advice I could give.

- Michael
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