Add pt in un solid (ex.: parallelepiped) DON'T WORK

 From:  Master (CODEMASTER)
If I try to "add point" in a solid, don't work and the point will be always 4 (for a paralellepiped.

Don't possible make a surface from a net of point don't planar
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
397.2 In reply to 397.1 
Normal it's a "primitive"
Look that you must do :)
A little trick for select all edges in one time: select one, then make a rectangle selection :)

But you are in a nurbs modeler, not in a polygon modeler :)

"Don't possible make a surface from a net of point don't planar"
Maybe yes with a simple loft or sweep :)
Depend of your surface! Send an image!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery

EDITED: 14 Feb 2007 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
397.3 In reply to 397.1 
> If I try to "add point" in a solid, don't work and the point will be always 4 (for a paralellepiped.

Right, as Pilou mentioned this would work with a polygon modeler, but not with a NURBS-type modeler.

The way that NURBS work, an edge and the surface that an edge is on can be very separate objects, because the edge can be what is called a "trim curve". Here is a post that shows an example of this:

So this means in general that you can't manipulate an edge of an object as if it was also the definition of the surface - this is a lot different than a polygon type modeler where the edge of a polygon is part of the definition of the surface of the polygon. However, this "trim curve" mechanism does allow for other benefits, like improved booleans.

Eventually it will be possible to add a point into an individual surface, but even then it won't be at just one point on an edge, another way that NURBS surface work is they have a rectangular layout so you have to insert an entire column or row of points, not just one. Probably point insertion for surfaces won't be available until version 2.0 though.

> Don't possible make a surface from a net of point don't planar

This is possible using other techniques - as Pilou mentioned, use sweep or loft to create the surface, then use Join to glue the surfaces together into a solid.

- Michael
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