3D Poser man inside MOI ??? A solution Michael, please.
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 From:  Micha
Steve wrote:
"When you export moi stuff, you can select which items to export. You can do it by styles or by object name, for instance. You can save those as separate mesh layers, then import them separately into one scene in say, Modo or C4D."

Like I sayed, I need the meshes for rendering of complex models like train interiors with many details or big ocean ships. Here at my webpage you can see what I mean ;)


The complex models are meshed per MoI. I use MoI for meshing very often!

And I think I'm not the only user how need it. For example Cinema4D and the IO plugin - "Rhino.io is a connection and import/export plugin, that lets you directly open and save native Rhino files (3dm) from within MAXON CINEMA 4D."


The IO tool open the 3dm file and uses the Rhino render mesh. Here I see a strong weak point of the workflow, where MoI could help a lot. The Cinema4D user could save the NURBS to a mesh 3dm with all layers and open it per IO. The meshes could be clean and low poly and not so crapy like from Rhino.
The same workflow is known for Modo:


It's a pity that the great NURBS mesher can't be more used for scene with a lot of layers, without to export/import layer by layer.

Yes, we talk about it in the past, but as I have seen this topic here I thought it's a good time to talk about it again. This thread was started from an other direction of need, but it show, that user like to mix NURBS and meshes in 3dm files. I hoped the pressure of the v2 beta time is gone and it's a good time talk about this feature again with more success.

So, we have two needs for meshes in 3dm:

* mesh export for rendering in Rhino3D, Cinema4D, Modo. Since MoI dosn't support render plugins, this export-for-rendering is interesting for MoI user too, not only for meshing-only-user. A MoI mesh-2-3dm would match current workflows, it's not a quick idea of a single render freak only. ;)

* MoI user would like to show her models in an mesh object content like people, trees&plants, cars ... all this stuff that is needed to present design or architecture models.

The question is too - will MoI be closed for mesh import for ever? If not, why not go the first step in v3?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3969.35 In reply to 3969.34 
Hi Micha,

> * mesh export for rendering in Rhino3D, Cinema4D, Modo.

Well, Cinema4D and Modo are already completely covered - use OBJ export to go from MoI into Cinema4D and LWO format to go from MoI into Modo - that's what Cinema4D and Modo users already use for mesh transfer.

> The Cinema4D user could save the NURBS to a mesh
> 3dm with all layers and open it per IO. The meshes could
> be clean and low poly and not so crapy like from Rhino.

They can already do this without that plug-in - just simply export from MoI to OBJ format and import the OBJ into Cinema4D. Layer assignments are preserved as material assignments into Cinema4D and you are also able to use n-gons and true welding unlike 3DM format.

3DM format is not a good way to store mesh data - it does not really make any sense to export meshes to 3DM format to go to Cinema4D or Modo when the OBJ or LWO formats are able to do it without having the limitations of 3DM format (again, no n-gons or proper welding in 3DM format is possible).

> The question is too - will MoI be closed for mesh import for ever?
> If not, why not go the first step in v3?

re: "why not go the first step in v3" - as I described earlier, it's because it requires some work for me to produce a 3DM mesh export, and there is not a good way right now to incorporate it into the UI in some normal way...

There are already many steps in place for mesh export since MoI v1 - I've worked hard to have very good support especially for the OBJ and LWO formats which are normally used by people who are exporting to mesh based programs already. Layers in MoI are preserved as material assignments when exporting to OBJ and LWO, and both formats also support n-gon polygons and also true welding.

- Michael
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
Consensus is that the Rhino IO plugin for C4D is not worth bothering with. This is because it reads Rhino's display mesh, which is not very good for importing (no welded vertices, etc). It's fine for working in the Rhino viewport. Rhino itself can export OBJ files which are a lot better.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3969.37 In reply to 3969.36 
Hi Steve, so the main thing that the RhinoIO C4D plugin can do for someone is to bring over stuff that is not able to go into an OBJ file like lights and cameras.

So if someone has put in a bunch of effort setting up additional stuff like that in Rhino instead of waiting to do it in Cinema4D then that could be useful to have that stuff transferred over.

But yes just for transferring geometry only I can't see why you would want to do that.

MoI does not set up lights or cameras in it, so that aspect of the plugin won't be of any particular use for trying to use 3DM files to transfer mesh geometry from MoI into Cinema4D - that won't be gaining anything and will actually lose functionality, particularly n-gons.

- Michael
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