Wishful thinking :-)
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 From:  Jacob
Just as I stated, it's just wishful thinking. I just pointed a problem that I encountered during building a model, hoping that it can, potentially, give you an idea on how to improve MoI.

As an aside, does MoI have a plugin interface now? The feature is quite simple, but it needs a little memory to keep it's own status around so I don't think it is something that could be coded using scripting interface as it is.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3937.4 In reply to 3937.3 
Hi Jacob,

> As an aside, does MoI have a plugin interface now?

You can do script plugins now, but there is not yet an interface for doing more heavy-duty C++ binary plugins.

I do want to set up a system for binary plugins in the future, but I expect that to require a lot of work particularly in the area of supporting programmers that are trying to use it. Right now stuff like working on new modeling tools has precedence over that.

- Michael
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