MoI To Modo 501 - Contour rendering
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 From:  PaQ
3926.31 In reply to 3926.30 
FYI here a .lwo export from the .3dm you provided.

You should be able to render contour from this file in 501.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
3926.32 In reply to 3926.31 
Thanks for checking the file PaQ!
Your file works fine for me, I can see the parts list and it looks fine
and the file you exported renders correctly.

Well the entry is in the Moi.ini file:

When I ran the update.cmd file I didn't see any error messages.

Michael, does the update.cmd create a log file?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3926.33 In reply to 3926.32 
Hi danperk,

> When I ran the update.cmd file I didn't see any error messages.
> Michael, does the update.cmd create a log file?

No, it doesn't make a log file but if it didn't work properly it should have printed out an error message on the command line. You may not see that if you're running it by double-clicking on it from Windows Explorer - maybe try running it from a command prompt to see any error messages that will then be printed out in the command line as well.

Also if it worked properly there should be a backup file of the original moi_lib.dll created in that same folder named moi_lib_orig.dll

Hmmm, maybe you're running into some kind of UAC issue on Vista or Windows7, maybe if you can run it as Administrator that might make it work.

Maybe the other possibility is that you have edited the wrong moi.ini file? Did you say something about using one from a previous beta? Are you using it by having the moi.ini file copied into the same folder as the moi.exe program? If so then that's the one that you would need to edit.

You can see which moi.ini file it actually being used by going to Options > General and pushing the "Edit .ini file" button - it will pop up a dialog box that will show where the moi.ini file that is currently being used is located at.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
3926.34 In reply to 3926.33 
Hi Michael,

I checked the MoI directory and there was no file
named moi_lib_orig.dll.

Here's a capture of the Com window after running update.cmd:

Tried to run as Admin. as well and no change. I'm on Win.7 64bit.

Michael Gibson wrote: >>Maybe the other possibility is that you have edited the wrong moi.ini file? Did you say something about using one from a previous beta? Are you using it by having the moi.ini file copied into the same folder as the moi.exe program? If so then that's the one that you would need to edit.<<

I always edit MoI.ini from within MoI.

What I was referring to about the Beta 2 ini file was that I copied my setting from the last Beta 2 Release. (shortcut Keys).

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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
3926.35 In reply to 3926.34 
You need to run CMD as Administrator. Here is how to do it:

You can't do this by using "Run as Administrator" directly on the cmd file. You have to open the command window as Administrator first.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3926.36 In reply to 3926.34 
Hi danperk - yeah that's the new-ish UAC system in Windows that kind of locks down the machine in certain ways.

One of the things that it does is prevent modifications to stuff inside the \Program Files folder.

If you can get a Admin command window up as Steve describes above, that will probably enable it to work.

Another way is if you temporarily disable the UAC system - to find the setting for that type in "User Account Control" into the search box, that should get you to the control for it.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
3926.37 In reply to 3926.35 
That did it, Thanks Steve! Thanks Michael and PaQ!

Man it's been a long time since I used a DOS prompt!!
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 From:  Jacob
With UAC, PowerShell and 2008 Core, old, often quoted Bill's sales pitch that Windows is better Unix than Unix is slowly coming true. Some fifteen years after - it was NT 4 that he was praising at that time!
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 From:  3DKiwi
Thanks Guys. I had the same problem and had been scratching my head that I must be doing something wrong. After following the instructions of firing up the command line in Admin mode I'm good to go :)

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 From:  Schbeurd
That's a nice addition (in both modo and MoI) !
Works really great.

You can even define a line width smaller than 1 pixel (here I've chosen 0.5)

Thanks Michael for the update (I had to deactivate the UAC to make it work)
Thanks to PaQ for requesting the feature. Also, nice images in the 501 preview tour !!! Congrats

Happy MoI user since beta version of August 13 2006...

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 From:  rampackwobble
Thanks for this update - just got it working.

I also ran into problems on windows 7 64 with its UAC - the way I got around it was to copy the moi 2.0 folder from program files to the desktop and apply the changes there.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all

or as we say around here -

Nadolig Llawen a Blwyddyn Newydd Dda.
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 From:  PaQ
3926.42 In reply to 3926.40 
Hi Schbeurd,

Thanks for the kind words.
I'm happy the request is usefull for many modonauts :)
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 From:  mariomarimba
3926.43 In reply to 3926.1 
hello there

i have been using moi for two months. i am very comfortable with this package since it covers at the moment most of my complex modelling needs.
by profession i am an architect working often on very complex geometries. moi is an excellent design tool for me. very simple and reasonably fast.
appart from that another interesting thing is emerging out of moi. considering my current architectural style i want to produce images that are in some way simillar to
what PaQ is doing. i am very impressed by cartoon like simplicity and clarity of his designs. on his website there are some "in progress" images that look like
straight shots from moi. can anyone tell me how to export images straight from moi as displayed with all geometry visible in the background . also is this modo
501 the most compatible rendering package with moi.
at the end i want to say how good it is to be member of this community incl Michael that is so supportive and helpful . this so called "smaller" programs actually give you a lot more
for the money you spend and it it is down to your tallent and imagination what you produce. less is more!!!

thanks and keep moing
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3926.44 In reply to 3926.43 
Hi Mario, I'm glad that you are liking MoI!

It is possible to set up a shortcut key in MoI that will make a screen capture at a higher resolution than the current display on the clipboard that you can then paste into an image editing program, for that script see this previous post:

> also is this modo 501 the most compatible rendering
> package with moi.

There are quite a few people who use MoI and Modo in combination with each other but there are also a variety of other rendering packages out there and any one is not particularly "more compatible" than another one.

A few popular choices though are Modo, Cinema4D, and one newer one that seemed to be pretty easy to use is SimLab Composer.

Some rendering programs have more options for tweaking things but can also take longer to learn how to use. Some are easier to learn but with somewhat less flexibility and control. So you may want to use some trial versions of some rendering programs to experiment with a few different ones before deciding which one suits you the best.

- Michael
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 From:  mariomarimba
3926.45 In reply to 3926.44 

this kind of response is part of my personal approach to business. thank you and i can assure you that i really see the value in what you do.
everything has became phantom run communication, nothing is personal anymore. these big software companies are white elephants. by the time you get some kind of response you can learn
entire package like moi. anyway....i work for the leading australian architectural company. i am exposed to the best hardvare and software money can buy. still as a front end designer of large buildings
i found excitement in skp and moi. however i have few questions for you

1) i noticed that during some demanding operations moi uses cpu only to 30% mark
2) is farming of any benefit to moi...
3)if money is not an object what is the perfect hardware config that moi would like

thanks again.....i am spreading word about moi among professionals and is very good
keep in touch ...i can give you loads of feedback from large commercial demanding environment...i will purchase another licence for myself to have at work

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3926.46 In reply to 3926.45 
Hi Mario,

> 1) i noticed that during some demanding operations
> moi uses cpu only to 30% mark

The problem is that in order to make use of multiple CPU cores, tasks have to be split up into small individual units of work so that different processors can handle each of these separate tasks.

Unfortunately many geometry processing algorithms do not easily lend themselves to that kind of task splitting.

But MoI v2 will make use of multiple CPU cores when exporting to a polygon mesh format like OBJ for example - that used to be a particularly slow operation in MoI version 1 but in v2 with it using multiple CPU cores and other optimizations it is much, much faster.

But other than that, it is normal that you will only see one CPU core fully utilized when MoI is busy thinking about some other kinds of geometry processing stuff.

In the future I do want to make some more operations multi-core enabled, but that tends to be a difficult thing to add to existing code, and also many of the CPU intensive operations that MoI performs actually come from a geometry library that is written by a separate company, so for some things it depends on if that other company can update their library to perform more concurrent operations.

> 2) is farming of any benefit to moi...

You mean like a render farm? No that is not really applicable to MoI.

Rendering happens to be an area that is much more easily split up into separate tasks - it's easy for example to handle the generation of every separate pixel on the screen as a separate task.

So in general rendering is a prime area for multi-core use, much more so than a lot of other kinds of programs.

> 3)if money is not an object what is the perfect
> hardware config that moi would like

Well, actually MoI is quite modest in what it requires. Really any new machine will run it well.

Just one general tip is to get a machine that uses either a nVidia or ATI graphics card in it, and not one that only has what is called "integrated graphics" from Intel. That's really the only thing to look out for. MoI will actually even run on the Intel integrated graphics as well, but it is not as good for handling the display of larger models.

If you're going to be doing a lot of rendering you'll probably want to get a quad-core machine instead of a dual or single core machine also. There are also 6-core machines available now as well.

- Michael
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