[Mesh Export] AvoidSmallerThan RoughAngle=35
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3915.2 In reply to 3915.1 
Hi FlashFire, it's used to set which particular angle will be used when something is below the "Avoid smaller than" distance threshold.

See this previous post for a description and some illustrations on how "Avoid smaller than" works:

But basically a quick overview is that if a surface fragment that is being refined is smaller than the distance specified in "Avoid smaller than", it gets meshed with a rougher angle instead of using the normal angle setting. That allows small sized pieces of a model to get fewer polygons on them.

The particular rougher angle that is used comes from that setting in moi.ini, so the default is for fragments smaller than the "Divide larger than" distance to be meshed with an angle of 35 degrees, even if for example you have set an angle of 10 degrees to be used for everything else.

If you want it to be even rougher yet than that, you could increase that setting to something like 50 degrees or even higher.

- Michael
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