Aligning 3 Reference Images
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3914.3 In reply to 3914.1 
Hi Don, you basically want to grab near the corners when you go to drag an image around (images are draggable while you are inside of the Edit > Image command), which will let you drag it by that corner point and then you can snap it on to the corners of other images. Then you do the same kind of thing for dragging a sizing grip as well.

You may find it easier to first draw in some reference geometry like some rectangles and get them arranged first, and then snap the images on to them.

See some of these previous posts for some illustrations:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3914.4 In reply to 3914.2 
Hi Don,

> I used some guides as in the attached image. Is this correct?

Yeah, that's fine - you can arrange them whichever way makes the most sense for you.

Some people like to have the images pushed a bit off to the side so they form kind of a box shape leaving some empty space in the middle for where the model will go.

But they're just visual references so you can put them in whatever arrangement suits you the best.

- Michael
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