MoI finds a home
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 From:  Mike (MIKESCHN)
3892.32 In reply to 3892.19 
Hi Don,

I just picked up a copy of Moi through Alibre also!

I used it years ago when it was still in beta, to design my Giant Teardrop. I've since built that and it turned out good btw.

This time I hope to use Moi to learn surfacing. I was considering Rhino because it is well known for surfacing. But when Moi came along at half price, how could I refuse, especially with the same top notch programmer writing the code!

So are you going to write tutorials for Moi also? :-)

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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.33 In reply to 3892.30 
Thanks for the PDF link, Michael. Your spider is a great example. We are discussing MoI on the TurboCAD forum as well (about file format translations) because a lot of users there are interested in finding something that can be imported without all the mesh lines that we have traditionally seen from other program imports. With the kind of file translation seen so far I think MoI might just be a winner. I shared the link to your PDF with the members there so they could see your results. So far, I think they are pleased with what they see.
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.34 In reply to 3892.32 
Hi Mike,

I seem to run into you in all sorts of places. It is nice to see a familiar face.

MoI tutorials? I will need to do a whole lot more learning, but I wouldn't be opposed to writing some if MoI turns out to be the answer I hope that it seems to be. Time will tell.

Gosh, I haven't visited your web site for far too long. I best go have a look real soon.
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 From:  Mike (MIKESCHN)
3892.35 In reply to 3892.34 

Are you talking about my T&TTT website? I didn't realize I told you about that...

Just for fun, and I think Michael would like this too... here's the Giant Teardrop that I designed in MOI a few years ago...

and here is the build... I started on page 8 cause that's where you can start to see how the body profile matches the moi design.


P.S. Sorry about hijacking the thread... I probably should have started a new one. Michael, feel free to move it. And congrats on the new channel for your MOI distribution!!!

EDITED: 8 Dec 2010 by MIKESCHN


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.36 In reply to 3892.35 
Hi Mike, thanks for sharing your model screenshot and your construction picture link, it's always cool to see the results of a design!

And boy whey you say "Giant" Teardrop, you aren't kidding around - full size construction!!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Cool vehicle!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.38 In reply to 3892.35 
Hi Mike,

Yep, a long time ago you had invited some of us TC people to come for a visit. I really enjoyed seeing the drawings and photos you and your crew posted so had checked in once in a while. I appreciate the detail and effort you put into your projects and the photographs of the entire process is just great.

Do you remember that I drew a egg shaped teardrop trailer after my first visit? This was way back when TC was at version 11. I was still fairly new and could make a better render today, but it is where I was at at the time. Have a look if you like.
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 From:  Mike (MIKESCHN)
3892.39 In reply to 3892.38 

Yes I remember that lil egg. That's sweet.

Just for fun, check out this trailer that one of the guys built... does that remind you of your lil egg?


Yes, MOI worked some magic for me a few years ago, where no other cad program could. I'm hoping it can work some magic for me again as I design my Optimized Winter Warrior. (Keep your fingers crossed!)


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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.40 In reply to 3892.39 
Very cool!
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.41 In reply to 3892.20 
Hi Michael,

Did you need to make any changes in MoI to be able to work with Alibre? Exporting to Step and opening in Alibre seems very good from I have seen so far. Although acceptable when the same file is opened in TurboCAD it I think that Alibre's option to stitch to solid is allowing for a better result. All surfaces come in as separate components in TC but do come in as ACIS Solids. I know other formats will come into TC as stitched, but they are mesh-like in appearance and so are not so good for hidden line renders. I prefer the Stp export format because one can get a good hidden line render when opened in TC.

I am mostly curious if you made any changes to MoI to specifically work well with Alibre, or if they were compatible right from the start.

Also, are you bound solely to Alibre with your working arrangement, or are you able to partner with other CAD companies as well, in the same manner? I have zero influence with the TurboCAD people, but one can always hope that something could be arranged.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.42 In reply to 3892.41 
Hi Don,

> I am mostly curious if you made any changes to MoI
> to specifically work well with Alibre, or if they were
> compatible right from the start.

Nope, there were no changes needed in MoI to make the STEP transfer work, Alibre was already fully compatible with the existing MoI 2.0 version.

> All surfaces come in as separate components in TC

Does this happen when your object was originally a joined solid in MoI as well?

If your object is made up of individual surfaces in MoI, try using the Edit > Join command to glue them together into a joined solid in MoI first before exporting to STEP format.

> I know other formats will come into TC as stitched, but
> they are mesh-like in appearance and so are not so good
> for hidden line renders.

There are basically 2 different categories of formats - the CAD formats that maintain the NURBS surface information in them, and polygon formats that have faceted information in them.

The CAD formats are: 3DM, STEP, IGES, and SAT. The transfer of any of these formats should give you a similar result as STEP format.

The mesh formats are: OBJ, LWO, STL, and 3DS - if you use these formats you will get faceted data instead of the original surface data.

> Also, are you bound solely to Alibre with your working
> arrangement, or are you able to partner with other CAD
> companies as well, in the same manner?

The deal with Alibre is non-exclusive, so it is possible for me to partner with other CAD companies as well if they are interested.

- Michael
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.43 In reply to 3892.42 
Thanks for all the info, Michael.

You asked: Does this happen when your object was originally a joined solid in MoI as well?

Yes, always separate pieces, even if they were all joined in MoI.

One long way around which seems to produce good results is importing the Stp file into Alibre and then exporting that same file from Alibre in SAT format to open in TurboCAD.

At any rate, there is still a lot of learning and experimenting to do, so maybe I will eventually work it out.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.44 In reply to 3892.43 
Hi Don, hmm well that's kind of unusual - normally a joined object saved to STEP should be imported into the other application as a joined up solid as well instead of as individual surfaces.

What happens if you save a joined object in MoI out to SAT format directly from MoI and then import the SAT into TurboCAD, does that stay joined up?

- Michael
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.45 In reply to 3892.44 
Hi Michael,

The SAT format worked good this time with the squeeze bottle I had made. I was trying with a different model that seems to have had some errors caused by this new user.

The STP is always in pieces. I have attached the stp (zipped) and the original MoI file (zipped) if you want to have a look at them.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.46 In reply to 3892.45 
Hi Don, your squeeze bottle seems to be fine.

One thing I noticed though is that it is not completely closed solid, the very top part of it has an opening:

It could be possible that TurboCAD doesn't like that it is not a closed solid and decides to break it apart based on that.

Because that's a planar opening at the top, it's easy to close it - in MoI select the bottle body there and then run the Construct > Planar command, it will build a planar end cap through the opening to seal it off and make it a fully closed solid. That could then make TurboCAD like to keep it in one piece better.

Another potential issue that you may be running into is that some programs don't like to read curves out of a STEP file. So you might try just selecting that body piece after it is solidified, and then use the File > Export command in MoI to write the STEP file. The "Export" command will only write out the selected objects to the file instead of writing all objects, and you might see a difference if you don't put any separate curve objects into the STEP file.

I tested doing those 2 things (use Planar to cap the end off, and only export just the main body part to the file) to generate a STEP file and tested it with a few different programs (Rhino, Alibre, ViaCAD) and they kept it all connected together...

- Michael

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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.47 In reply to 3892.46 
You were right Michael,

Closing that top allowed the file to be exported in stp format and opened in TC as one unit. This will be an important bit of info to remember.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.48 In reply to 3892.47 
Hi Don, so that would seem to explain it - if TurboCAD encounters a STEP file that contains a set of joined surfaces that do not form a fully closed solid, it seems to explode them into individual surfaces.

So some of the tips in this other recent thread on generating STLs may be useful - there is an indicator in the object properties panel that will tell you whether a selected object is a fully closed solid or not:

Does TurboCAD not really have the concept in it of joined surfaces that do not form a solid? Does it have anything like a "Join" or "Stitch" or "Sew" type command that lets you glue together surfaces at their shared edges into connected pieces?

- Michael
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.49 In reply to 3892.48 
Hi Michael,

You asked: Does TurboCAD not really have the concept in it of joined surfaces that do not form a solid? Does it have anything like a "Join" or "Stitch" or "Sew" type command that lets you glue together surfaces at their shared edges into connected pieces?

I must confess that I am not well versed on the technicalities of how TurboCAD does what it does. I know that it uses the ACIS engine and creates solids, but I have never really understood all of that. TurboCAD can use surfaces, but that term used in TC may mean something different than what others mean when they talk about surface modeling. The lower version of TurboCAD (that is Deluxe) is limited to what are called TC Surfaces and in this case that is a very limiting factor when it comes to modeling.

With regards to your last question. Yes, TurboCAD has all kinds of tools when it comes to Boolean Operations and Solid /Surface translations. Of course, all these tools work best on objects that were created right in TurboCAD.

I still think that MoI and TurboCAD will work well together, I just need to learn MoI a whole lot better - but that will take time. Even in the last couple days of our discussions I have learned so much. I will need to come to grips with how things are modeled in MoI as it appears to be quite different than how one models in TurboCAD.

Thanks for all your time.

I know I will have additional questions, but I will, of course, start new threads when needed.

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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
Wow, do I ever feel foolish. I just noticed that TurboCAD can open 3dm files directly. This will prove to be a real bonus.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.51 In reply to 3892.49 
Hi Don,

> TurboCAD can use surfaces, but that term used in TC
> may mean something different than what others mean
> when they talk about surface modeling.

The reason I was asking about that, was that it used to be pretty common for CAD programs to be oriented primarily on working with solids and individual surfaces were only used as a way to slice off a piece of a solid.

It could be possible that TurboCAD is set up along those lines - if so then that means that you'd want to make your object in MoI to be a fully closed solid before exporting it into TurboCAD if you wanted it to stay connected together over there.

MoI is what is sometimes called a "hybrid" modeler where you can work on surfaces that can then be glued together at their edges to form a solid (in MoI the Edit > Join command does this) , and also a solid can be broken down into individual separate surfaces (in MoI with Edit > Separate). In a hybrid modeler you can have an object that has several surfaces joined together into a connected piece but without it necessarily being a solid if it has some open edges on it.

A lot of programs that used to be focused just on handling solids (SolidWorks, etc..) have over time become hybrid systems.

- Michael
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