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 From:  falcon76
3892.16 In reply to 3892.15 
I've purchased a License of Alibre when it was very cheap, but I still wasn't able to use it.
First they remove from the design version the 3DM import. No Moi No Party!
Then they don't support Windows 7 for previous version. I have a license that doesn't expire but I don't have the OS for use it. The worst experience I had with a software (along with Windows ME maybe....).
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 From:  Ralf-S
3892.17 In reply to 3892.16 
> I've purchased a License of Alibre when it was very cheap, but I still wasn't able to use it.
There are 3 Versions:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert

You probably bought the Standard V11.x ( $ 97,-) version that was released before Windows 7.
The current version is 2011 - 32 bit and 64 bit

> First they remove from the design version the 3DM import. No Moi No Party!
That`s wrong.
Insert -> Surfaces -> *.3dm

Party with: SAT, IGES, STEP :-)

Example: Created with Alibre, Moi3D and KeyShot :-)

EDITED: 6 Dec 2010 by RALF-S

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 From:  BurrMan
3892.18 In reply to 3892.17 
It's a great move for Alibre. MoI will bring powerful, easy to use modeling features to their package....An advantage of Alibre software is it has parametrics and assemblies.. Although it's not top of the line, I dont think it's fair to call it second rate. I dont think it will hurt MoI in any way either... I think it will intoduce MoI to a wider CAM market. So far, many artists in their communities know about MoI.. It's still largley undiscovered in the Machinist industry.

Normally I dont speak about/promote softwares in other peoples forums... I think I will introduce MoI in a couple I participate in now!!!

Good luck Michael! :)
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)

I am brand new to MoI. I caught wind of it when viewing the Alibre forum this evening. I have Alibre but rarely use it. I am actually a TurboCAD guy and use Alibre's 3D PDF functions with some of my TurboCAD models. One thing that Alibre & TurboCAD have in common is that they both handle the creation of organic shapes poorly. When I saw the announcement about the inclusion of MoI with Alibre, I thought what a great idea. So I began to wonder, why couldn't that be a possibility for TurboCAD. I downloaded the trial of MoI, I created a quick version of that six legged pod and saved to all available formats of which TurboCAD will open many. The model was very much editable in TurboCAD and could be rendered and worked with in all manner of ways. I quickly posted a link on the TurboCAD forum and hope that the attention of the TurboCAD developers can be peeked. Maybe Michael should consider approaching IMSI/Design with a similar proposal.

I am a long time TurboCAD Beta tester and comprehensive TurboCAD Tutorial provider and I have not been this excited since I stumbled across TurboCAD many years ago. I will be curious to watch this thread (and others) to watch the further development of MoI.

I will certainly be looking at MoI a lot more seriously and may just make it one of my regular tools.

Best regards to all,
Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.20 In reply to 3892.19 
Hi Don, your pod turned out great! :)

And yes, MoI makes a nice companion to TurboCAD in much the same way as Alibre. In fact since MoI has a somewhat different overall workflow and focus than the the traditional "parametric solid modeler" way of working, it can be pretty handy as a companion to a lot of CAD programs...

Things are just somewhat less formal and more streamlined for quick drawing in MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  Max (MAXF)
3892.21 In reply to 3892.16 
"I've purchased a License of Alibre when it was very cheap, but I still wasn't able to use it.
First they remove from the design version the 3DM import. No Moi No Party!
Then they don't support Windows 7 for previous version. I have a license that doesn't expire but I don't have the OS for use it. The worst experience I had with a software (along with Windows ME maybe....).


As Ralf-s indicated, we did not remove the 3DM import. It has never been in the File > Import menu, but rather is in the Insert > Surfaces menu. Also, I apologize we did not have the foresight to support an OS that was a year out as of when it launched, as if it were even possible. You purchased 5 days after Windows7 was available at retail. Retrofitting some internal mechanisms of a year-old product to support Windows7 when our next version was right around the corner didn't make sense, and as such the system requirements clearly indicated the supported operating systems of the product you purchased. I'm not saying I don't sympathize with your situation, but let's at least share the blame a little.

"IMHO It is not a great move, I fear that linking Moi with second rate software such as Alibre, will not reflect well on Moi. Even thought it might be great exposure, but you got to be picky about your partners. Some poeple will look at Moi and Alibre as one!.


You are entitled to your opinion of our software. However, you can see at that many, many people use it every day to design everything from the structural steel body of an entire church to a racecar ( got 10th place of 130 in the Xprize) to model engines to just about anything. Our goal isn't to be the best at everything - never has been. We deliver 3D CAD and related technology that's powerful enough to get the job done at a price that's waaaay cheaper. If you have $5K burning a hole in your wallet, then by all means go buy Solidworks if you need it.

Alibre, Inc.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3892.22 In reply to 3892.21 
Hi Max,

> Our goal isn't to be the best at everything - never
> has been. We deliver 3D CAD and related technology
> that's powerful enough to get the job done at a price
> that's waaaay cheaper.

There's a lot to be said for these kinds of goals actually. The idea of making a useful tool accessible to a broader range of people who would otherwise just be out of luck is a part of MoI as well.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
I have looked at Alibre, but was put off by its lack of surfacing tools. I will look again as my work-flow as changed.

- Steve
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 From:  falcon76
3892.24 In reply to 3892.17 
>There are 3 Versions:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert

Yes I have an old standard, but now seem to be discontinued and replaced by the Personal WITHOUT 3DM import(99 euro).
At least here in Italy. So:
- Pro
- Expert
If I would like to upgrade mine (for using with my brand new OS) I need to buy the PRO (599 euro). Simply too expensive for my need.
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 From:  falcon76
3892.25 In reply to 3892.21 
>I'm not saying I don't sympathize with your situation, but let's at least share the blame a little.

Well no problem.
Alibre 11 works well with Vista, but NOT AT ALL with 7. Boh!

For sure I purchased an old version of the software but there are different way to handle this.
I can stil use Moi 1.0, 3D Coat 2 if I want. Anyway other software like 3DS Max 2009 doesn't work. It's a choice. Some software house want to release a new version every year. Some other want to release a new version when is needed.
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 From:  Max (MAXF)
3892.26 In reply to 3892.24 
>There are 3 Versions:
- Standard
- Pro
- Expert

Yes I have an old standard, but now seem to be discontinued and replaced by the Personal WITHOUT 3DM import(99 euro).
At least here in Italy. So:
- Pro
- Expert
If I would like to upgrade mine (for using with my brand new OS) I need to buy the PRO (599 euro). Simply too expensive for my need."

Let me repeat: Surfacing Import *is not taken out* of anything. In fact, we don't even have a way to take it out even if we wanted to - it isn't controlled by a license bit. There is NO product that exists from us that does not have 3DM import.

To use 3DM import, open a PART workspace. Go to the *Insert* menu and select Surfaces. It is *not* under File > Import.

Alibre, Inc.
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
Max and Michael G.

My problem was not with the Alibre software, it was the fact that I was one of the pre-100K users to sign up and I was given Alibre Design Xpress with STEP, IGES etc. capabilities (even paid ~$60 USD at the time to be able to use it offline), and a year-or-so ago that was taken away. It sent a bad message to me toward how Alibre would operate the business down the road. I had recommended it to a co-worker who did purchase it, and I was poised to try to budget a few seats for the engineering department at my full time employment. I even earned an honorable mention award in the first Design Xpress contest.

I thought the software was great, user friendly and easy to pick up. The upgrading cost was not an issue for me, it was the way I was treated and the way it made me feel.

I have, since that experience, been using MoI with TurboCAD Pro, IronCAD's Inovate and most recently with ViaCAD 2D/3D and have had very good results for all my freelance work.

I wished things would have worked out differently between myself and the Alibre team, but that's how it goes some of the time. Live and learn.

It is not my intention to turn this into an Alibre bashing. On the contary, I wish MoI and Alibre the best of business growth in the future.

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu
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 From:  falcon76
3892.28 In reply to 3892.26 
Sorry I probably misunderstood, but I receive an email in my language (italian) that say that.

ASSORTIMENTO DAL 1/6/2010 (nuove specifiche ivi indicate)

1) Alibre 12.1 Personal = 99 Euro
(attenzione: simile allo Standard ma consente una sola installazione anzichè tre - come resta viceversa possibile con i seguenti Professional ed Expert - e privato di import STEP, IGES, SAT, Rhino, nonchè delle funzionalità avanzate di messa in tavola - sezioni, dettagli, ecc. - e distinta pezzi/materiali)

(attention: similar to Standard but only for a single installation instead of three - .... - and without STEP, IGES, SAT, Rhino import,....

So probably I'm stupid but that was what I read from that email. Anyway good to know.
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 From:  Max (MAXF)
3892.29 In reply to 3892.28 
> "So probably I'm stupid but that was what I read from that email. Anyway good to know."

I can see why you would have thought 3dm import was gone. Clearly our Italian reseller had a...creative...take on reality. But his email is incorrect. Sorry that happened.

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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
3892.30 In reply to 3892.19 
Hi Don,

Have you tried exporting .SAT from MoI and importing it into Alibre and TurboCAD Pro? If I remember correctly that seemed to be a good exchange. I know I did this in TurboCAD Pro v12 and was able to generate a 2D drawing of a spider that I had modeled in MoI. (See attachment) I would think it might work with Alibre also. You might give that a try.

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu

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 From:  WillBellJr
Well congrats Michael for an extra channel of users for your program!

I got scared for a second thinking I was witnessing another buyout! :-P

Glad to see my favorite NURBS modeler is safe and still at home!

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 From:  Mike (MIKESCHN)
3892.32 In reply to 3892.19 
Hi Don,

I just picked up a copy of Moi through Alibre also!

I used it years ago when it was still in beta, to design my Giant Teardrop. I've since built that and it turned out good btw.

This time I hope to use Moi to learn surfacing. I was considering Rhino because it is well known for surfacing. But when Moi came along at half price, how could I refuse, especially with the same top notch programmer writing the code!

So are you going to write tutorials for Moi also? :-)

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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.33 In reply to 3892.30 
Thanks for the PDF link, Michael. Your spider is a great example. We are discussing MoI on the TurboCAD forum as well (about file format translations) because a lot of users there are interested in finding something that can be imported without all the mesh lines that we have traditionally seen from other program imports. With the kind of file translation seen so far I think MoI might just be a winner. I shared the link to your PDF with the members there so they could see your results. So far, I think they are pleased with what they see.
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
3892.34 In reply to 3892.32 
Hi Mike,

I seem to run into you in all sorts of places. It is nice to see a familiar face.

MoI tutorials? I will need to do a whole lot more learning, but I wouldn't be opposed to writing some if MoI turns out to be the answer I hope that it seems to be. Time will tell.

Gosh, I haven't visited your web site for far too long. I best go have a look real soon.
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 From:  Mike (MIKESCHN)
3892.35 In reply to 3892.34 

Are you talking about my T&TTT website? I didn't realize I told you about that...

Just for fun, and I think Michael would like this too... here's the Giant Teardrop that I designed in MOI a few years ago...

and here is the build... I started on page 8 cause that's where you can start to see how the body profile matches the moi design.


P.S. Sorry about hijacking the thread... I probably should have started a new one. Michael, feel free to move it. And congrats on the new channel for your MOI distribution!!!

EDITED: 8 Dec 2010 by MIKESCHN


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