video tutorials by others - not viewable

 From:  GarBob (GARY-MOI)
Hi Michael,

Your videos and the others that you reference always work using Windows Pro XP and 7. I have been trying off and on to watch some of your users videos. They use something other than yours as far as viewers. I find that with Windows Pro XP and 7 I have all kinds of problems with adobe and other products.

Why do they use other viewers that seem to be a pain to load. Is it possible to recreate these into whatever you're using.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3891.2 In reply to 3891.1 
Hi Gary,

> Is it possible to recreate these into whatever you're using.

Most of the time those videos are in flash format, and the player for that is your web browser.

Unfortunately it's not very easy to re-encode flash videos to another format, I think I would need the original recording of those videos in order to do that.

You might try installing another web browser like Firefox for example, maybe that would help. Or possibly try re-installing the Adobe flash player, that may get it working for you:

- Michael
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