Problem solved!!! Subd -> nurbs
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3854.20 In reply to 3854.19 
Thanks Olio, I'm glad that you like Rhino too! :)

Rhino and MoI actually have fairly different focus areas - Rhino was fairly focused on making things comfortable to someone who had experience using AutoCAD, while MoI tries to be more friendly to people who may not have any prior CAD experience at all.

These different focus areas have a pretty broad effect on things, like since Rhino is focused on a more technical user it is more of a pattern in Rhino to have some thousands of commands for doing a ton of different things. But MoI with much more of a focus on ease of use tries not to have that kind of complexity in it and the UI design for MoI goes much more slowly and carefully than just adding in tons of stuff rapidly... Anyway, these different focuses do lead to differences in workflow as well.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3854.21 In reply to 3854.20 
Yes, I personally find MoI much easier to work with than other programs. I have been doing fairly simple (though some have been complex) architectural modeling for about 25 years and MoI definitely speeds up my work flow. I rarely have to revert to other tools throughout the model building process. Love MoI and it gets better and better.
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
3854.22 In reply to 3854.21 
Just my thoughts on the Rhino vs Moi thing.

I bought Rhino while I was a student for a very good price (they let you use it commercially too which is very nice of them). I tried to learn it however and always ended up feeling frustrated, it was just too different from everything I learned up to that point.

Fast forward about 3 years and I start to realize most of my personal work (mechanical modeling, ships, cars, bikes, planes) is much better suited to nurbs than SubD modeling (I can make SubD's do what I want and need, but it is painful sometimes) so I dig out my copy of Rhino and give it a whirl. Same old frustrations. Fast forward another 6 months and I discover Moi and for the first time nurbs just kind of click. I'm totally hooked now. :)
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 From:  BurrMan
3854.23 In reply to 3854.22 
It's also funny how learning MoI kindof opens up "RHINO"!! Although, rhino needs time put in to figure out the plethora..
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
True, I opened up Rhino yesterday just to see how my MOI model looked in Rhino. It definately clicked a bit more then it used to, but it's still just a massive program. I am sure if my needs ever outgrow MOI, I would be able to jump into Rhino relatively easily. I don't see that happening though as I'm not a car designer or industrial designer, or engineer, I'm an artist and I just want to get out the ideas that I have swimming in my head.

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 From:  PaQ
3854.25 In reply to 3854.24 
Hi Andy,

Btw, in case you didnt know, you can just clipboard copy your models/curves (ctrl-C / ctrl-V ) between MoI and Rhino ;)
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