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 From:  noskule
3830.56 In reply to 3830.4 
IMO a very natural way would be to drag the "name-part" of the options area onto the object name it should be assigned to.
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 From:  al (ALASTAIR)
3830.57 In reply to 3830.8 

I'm trying to get the AssignPresetName command to work on a Mac, but am running into a bit of a brick wall. I presume that it's an issue with the filepath, but can't quite work it out - every time I try an alternative, the program hangs. Any ideas?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.58 In reply to 3830.57 
Hi Alastair, this particular script happens to use an additional Windows specific ActiveX control for the part that reads in the text file containing the names. But this can be changed to use a newer built-in-to-moi method for scripts to read text files which is cross platform so that should solve it, I will cook that up for you in just a bit.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.59 In reply to 3830.57 
Hi Alastair, I've attached a version of AssignPresetName here which should now work ok on the Mac, please let me know if it still does not work for you.

- Michael

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 From:  al (ALASTAIR)
3830.60 In reply to 3830.59 
Works perfectly, thank you. A very useful addition, as it allows me to keep consistent object/class names between different packages, without relying on my cack-handed typing..

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 From:  Luis (LGRIJALVA)
Is there any chance to have a similar script but to manage default styles?
I mean, instead of having 5 defaults style colors, customize this one and have 15 presets styles like, stainless, plastic, redpaint, aluminum, tire, titanium, etc., so it can be necessary to set this ones every time in new project, so add default style command add a customizable list?

This will be useful when export to render software.

Luis G.
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 From:  Luis (LGRIJALVA)
3830.62 In reply to 3830.60 
Confirmed working here on 2.5 and beta 3
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.63 In reply to 3830.61 
Hi Luis - the default style list will come from a template file if you have one specified. Various other per-file settings like the view setup can be set in the same way, and also if you want some kind of default object layout (like some pattern with locked objects in it or whatever) you can also set that up in the template file too.

So to do that set up the styles list how you want the default to be, and then save this off into a 3DM file - put the 3DM file somewhere that you won't delete it later.

Then set that 3DM file as the template, the setting for that is under Options > General > Template file. Set that to the location of the 3DM file that you saved, and then when MoI initially starts up or when you use File > New or when you do "Add default styles", it will be the styles from that particular 3DM file that will be used.

- Michael
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 From:  Scooter (DORMANTVISION)
3830.64 In reply to 3830.8 
I'm having trouble getting the "AssignPresetName" script to work in the release version of MOI 3.0

I've tried all of the suggestion Michael presented.
Here is the error that I encounter.

I keep getting the error about line 58, which is

var env = wsh.Environment( 'PROCESS' );

I've changed line 61 to be the correct MOI 3.0 install path.
I even tried changing line 59, as I have a 64 bit machine which has a "Program Files x86" directory for 32 bit apps.
Is anyone else having problems with this, or perhaps have any suggestions?



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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.65 In reply to 3830.64 
Hi Scott, re: AssignPresetName not working - it's probably due to security mechanisms in newer versions of Windows that prevent programs from accessing some system scripting components by default.

I have just now posted an updated version of the script that should now work ok with v3 and doesn't use that particular method anymore, you can get it from the original post here:

Please give that _v3 one a try and see if it works ok for you now.

- Michael
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 From:  Scooter (DORMANTVISION)
3830.66 In reply to 3830.65 
Hi Michael. Yes that worked for me.
Thank you!

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