add elements to an object
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3830.18 In reply to 3830.17 
Hi Michael, that's good.
Now it works.

Thank you... and JoJo!


That's a brilliant day!

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 From:  coi (MARCO)
3830.19 In reply to 3830.17 
hi michael

i'm on D: as main drive..editing the AssignPresetNameDialog.htm did the trick..everything's working fine now..

best wishes,

p.s. gsus, it must be around 4am in your area..i hope jojo doesn't mind :]]]..btw. jojo does look a bit like the Stanford bunny, doesn't haven't got a Dragon lying around somewhere? :]]]
p.p.s. this would also be an appropriate work flow for assigning commands to shortcuts scanning the commands folder for available commands..

EDITED: 27 Oct 2010 by MARCO

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.20 In reply to 3830.19 
Hi Marco & FiL - I've figured out how the script can get your own system's "Program files" folder properly, and I've updated the original attachment again. But it sounds like you've got things working anyway.

@ Marco:

> p.s. gsus, it must be around 4am in your area..i hope jojo doesn't mind

Only 2am currently, JoJo kind of likes late night stuff, there is less chasing from toddlers.

> p.p.s. this would also be an appropriate work flow for
> assigning commands to shortcuts scanning
> the commands folder for available commands..

Yeah, but probably it needs more than that, I'd like to tune up the whole way that plug-ins are delivered so that you could go to a kind of plug-in browser that would connect to a repository on the web site and you'd be able to pick ones to download. Then they'd probably download to a central folder like moi.ini so you wouldn't need to re-install them during new beta releases or new version releases. Then that whole thing would be good to connect up with a list in the shortcut key editor as well.

> you haven't got a Dragon lying around somewhere?

I've got a little Dragon statue that is really similar to that one, but not any real Dragons though nope... :)

- Michael


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 From:  Michael Gibson
Bonus JoJo picture - this is what we call "Chicken bun pose" because you get to see the delicious drumsticks:

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3830.22 In reply to 3830.21 
Oh my! JoJo isn't related to the playboy bunny by any chance? ;)

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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3830.23 In reply to 3830.20 
Hi Michael,

>I've figured out how the script can get your own system's "Program files" folder properly, and I've updated the original attachment again. But it sounds like you've got things working anyway.

I try the new vesion and yes it works.

>"Chicken bun pose"

Hum...she's looking for a Moment of Inspiration...


That's a brilliant day!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
AssignName and AssignPresetName
work like a charm ! Bravo!
(so 2 new one to add to my Website :°)

Just a little question :)
Seem a same name can be assigned to different object!
like a cube is named jojo
and a sphere can be also named jojo
is that normal?

and another little : do you keep a list of scripts with date of creation?

In Windows French version we have also that!!! funny isn't it ? :)
c:\Program Files\ (in French)

EDITED: 27 Oct 2010 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.25 In reply to 3830.24 
Hi Pilou, great, I hope they will be useful!

> Just a little question :)
> Seem a same name can be assigned to different object!
> like a cube is named jojo
> and a sphere can be also named jojo
> is that normal?

Yup, that is intended that you can name objects whatever you want, including the same name for more than 1 object.

You can use that as one way to make clusters of objects - if you assign them all the same name then they will all be controlled by the same entry under the "Objects" section of the Scene Browser and that is also a way you can control making mesh objects at export time merged into larger mesh structures with the "Combine same named objects" option under Options > Import/Export.

What is it that you were expecting to happen if you named 2 objects with the same name, would it be better if MoI crashed if you tried to do that? ;)

> and another little : do you keep a list of scripts with date of creation?

Not currently, but in the future I want to make a kind of script repository type mechanism that would do that.

Petr has many of them collected here though:

> In Windows French version we have also that!!! funny isn't it ? :)
> c:\Program Files\ (in French)

With that last updated version this should work ok now with the "Program Files" folder being in your own language.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3830.26 In reply to 3830.25 
< Petr has many of them collected here though:
I know that (because I made a sort of copycat of it :)

About the "same name" for different object : is that the same in Rhino ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.27 In reply to 3830.26 
Hi Pilou,

> About the "same name" for different object : is that the same in Rhino ?

Yes, same thing in Rhino and many other programs. For example, I just tested in PaintShop Pro, Expression, and ViaCAD, and none of these have any problem with assigning the same name to more than 1 object.

It's just a label that you can assign as you wish to help you tag things.

- Michael
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3830.28 In reply to 3830.27 
Hi Michael,

>It's just a label that you can assign as you wish to help you tag things.

And more than a single label assigned to a object?
Example: an object (first label) can be a part of a bigger structure (second label) inside a project (third label) = finger_hand_body.
In this way I can select the object trough 3 different order to select it on its own or with other objects.


That's a brilliant day!

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 From:  BurrMan
3830.29 In reply to 3830.21 
""""""Chicken bun pose""""""""""""

I bet she drags around the floor like that!!!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.30 In reply to 3830.28 
Hi FiL,

> And more than a single label assigned to a object?
> Example: an object (first label) can be a part of a
> bigger structure (second label) inside a project
> (third label) = finger_hand_body.

In V3 I want to add a mechanism for "Groups" which would enable this kind of hierarchical organization.

The basic idea is that a group would be a kind of container tag that would have a collection of objects and possibly other groups as its children.

Then the group would show up in the Scene Browser, either in its own Groups section or possibly just within the Objects section not quite sure yet, so you could manipulate it with the scene browser UI like hide/show/lock/select.

If you had nested groups then you would get a + symbol on different levels so you could expand and collapse them.

- Michael
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
3830.31 In reply to 3830.30 
Hi Michael can you script this one , or tell me which file to edit I give it a try thank you.

EDITED: 29 Oct 2010 by BLYESS

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.32 In reply to 3830.31 
Hi lyes, it's not really possible to change the scene browser like that just with an external downloaded plug-in script, to alter things like that would require changes more directly to the scene browser mechanisms.

Also there are some difficulties with what you are showing, I'm not sure how certain things would work, I'll try to explain:

Re: Click to add selected to the named group - you're showing a color swatch there for each name. But the problem with implementing that is that there is no restriction for that name to only belong to a single object, it is possible for multiple objects to have that name and each of those objects can be assigned different styles. So there is not necessarily just a single color that is associated with a name, there can be multiple objects and therefore multiple colors associated with a name.

In the future I do want to add a kind of drop-down menu to each item with some additional actions on it, and one of those would be "Assign to this name". Until then the "AssignName" plug-in that was posted earlier in this thread can help out:

re: Edit style - you can edit the color of a style currently by holding down Ctrl while clicking on its color swatch. That will open up a color picker so you can set the color.

Also another shortcut for editing a style is if you right-click on the style line in the Properties Panel:

That will pop up the "Edit style" dialog that lets you edit either the name or the color of the style.

re: Add style entry at the bottom of the list - there is already an entry for that on the style tools menu, to access it press this button here to launch the menu:

Then you will see the "Add new style" option on that menu, here:

It's also possible to set up a keyboard shortcut that will bring up the "Add new style" dialog box, to do that see this previous post:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.33 In reply to 3830.31 
Hi lyes, also re: having something show up when a particular item is selected - in v3 I'll probably be adding a selection indicator into the scene browser for that, most likely as a dot along the right-hand side of the entry. That would also probably be where you would click to do selection while clicking on the main text area will probably pop out a menu with some additional tools on it.

See this previous thread for some discussion on it:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.34 In reply to 3830.31 
Hi lyes,

> or tell me which file to edit I give it a try thank you.

Much of the scene browser logic is in compiled code directly in moi_lib.dll , so this particular part of the UI is not really something that you can edit directly.

One reason for that is the scene browser is not actually made up of much static UI, most of the stuff in side of it is created dynamically to mirror the structure and entities within the model.

It could be possible to add in new buttons to the very top or very bottom of the scene browser pane though, to do that you would edit the file BrowserPane.htm inside of the \ui subfolder if you have the browser in the separate pane mode, or you would edit the SidePane.htm file if you have the browser in the mode where it shows at the bottom of the main side pane.

There was a thread on this here:

- Michael
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 From:  lyes (BLYESS)
3830.35 In reply to 3830.32 
Hi Michael thank you for the short cut key tip I hop v3 will get better


in the browser : when objetcs with color A are hidden and you assign same color A to another object it become hidden

in the propety panel: when objetcs with color A are hidden and you assign same color A to another object it stay visible
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3830.36 In reply to 3830.35 
Hi lyes,

> in the browser : when objetcs with color A are hidden and
> you assign same color A to another object it become hidden
> in the propety panel: when objetcs with color A are hidden
> and you assign same color A to another object it stay visible

Yes, there is some extra stuff in the scene browser to make it kind of feel more like layers when working in there.

In the traditional kind of CAD layer system, when you assign an object to a hidden layer it becomes hidden since layers have their own on/off state separate from objects.

MoI doesn't quite work exactly the same as layers because in MoI only individual objects have an on/off state and not the layer (or style as it is called in MoI) itself. This is what makes it possible to have more than 1 organization view to work with objects, like both a Types section as well as a Styles and Objects section all at the same time, since each one works more by controlling a batch of object properties rather than each of these different mechanisms having its own private on/off states that would then conflict with each other. Like for example if you set all curves to be hidden under Types and then set Style=Red to be visible, that would then be 2 conflicting things applied to a red curve if the on/off properties belong to each Style and Type entry instead of it being a reflection of all the individual object properties.

But since some people are used to the layer mechanism where assigning an object to a layer makes it become hidden if the layer is hidden, MoI will kind of emulate that behavior when you are using the scene browser to assign the style.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3830.37 In reply to 3830.36 
It will be fine if all these concepts will be on a pedagogic conceptual image (schema (?)

something like this (but for Moi of course :)
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