Moi on linux...why not?
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 From:  BurrMan
3826.17 In reply to 3826.16 
"""""""there are a lot of software like Moi """""""""""

I dont think I could disagree more!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3826.18 In reply to 3826.15 
Hi leocata,

> No, I don't believe MoI freeware is a good idea....

I don't quite understand this part, because the very next thing you say is this:

> But you can thinking two version of MoI:
> 1- open source MoI developed with help of community

So this would be available for free, right?

So how do you combine those 2 statements of saying making it free is not a good idea and then the very next statement is that you say I should make a free version??

> Open Source is as resource for expensive task like
> porting.... or adding new features!

It can work well for that with some kinds of software, where the software is kind of a tool that an entire service and development ecosystem is built around. Certainly a lot of development/programming type software does fit into this category because they are used as just 1 piece in developing a more complex full solution.

MoI is not a development tool like that, it's not like you need a lot of help and additional services to create something using MoI. In fact it's just the opposite - MoI is actually specifically designed to be easy to use so that people are able to do things with it without a lot of learning curve or support required.

So MoI does not at all fit into the same kind of an open source development business model as something like MySQL or things like that which is more along the lines of what you are describing.

> So, excuse me for my words.... But i believe the IT
> world will be different of XX century!

I disagree - you seem to be saying that in the next century there will be only 1 single kind of business model that every software project will use. That's very unlikely because there is a lot of variety in software, different projects lend themselves to different kinds of business models.

The business model for MoI is designed to be simple, I just develop the software myself and sell it to people directly. The multi-pronged kind of combination open source + separate commercial version is a much more complex business model that fits in particularly well with a large corporation that does a lot of consulting or stuff like that. But that complex type of corporate business model is not a good fit for a tiny 1 person company like me.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
This make me think about "The surprising truth about what motivates us"

This is not to say Moi should be open source though, I get the impression that all of Triple squid's arms are quite motivated and already making a difference!

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 From:  OSTexo

Open sourcing MoI would be a disaster. I think MG's focus is right on, and that is what makes MoI great (among other things). I can't possibly see a way that the solution would benefit from any version other than Windows at the moment, unless you want something for nothing and have no qualms about breaking someones back over it.
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 From:  blowlamp
If Michael's continuing work allows MoI to work under Wine, then there will in effect be MoI on Linux.
Members of the Linux community can purchase it at the same cost as everyone else and use it to their heart's content, safe in the knowledge that their contribition is being used to further develop the product.

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