select / deselect like rhino
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3810.2 In reply to 3810.1 
Hi okapi, no there's no way to adjust selection to work like that.

> meaning that as soon as I am done with an operation,
> the current object is deslected?

Rhino does not actually work quite exactly like that - it deselects objects only if you "post-picked" them, meaning you selected them after launching a command.

If you "pre-pick" objects in Rhino, they do not get deselected at the end of the command.

For example, draw a circle in Rhino, and then select it. Now run the Move command, and you will see that the moved circle is selected at the end of the command. If you instead run the Move command first and then select the circle only after the command has started, that's when you will get that kind of deselected result that you are talking about.

That is in Rhino in order to emulate a kind of archaic AutoCAD-like workflow to make Rhino feel comfortable to people who have spent a long time using AutoCAD.

That kind of AutoCAD similarity was not really a priority for MoI, and although I do have some simple support for post-pick in MoI, it's overall more designed to work with pre-pick. That's because pre-picking is by far the most common way that people other than AutoCAD users expect for things to work, it's how nearly everything else on the computer works. For example when you want to delete a file in Windows Explorer, you do it by selecting a file first, and then doing a Delete command, you don't first run the Delete command and then pick which file you want to delete which is what post-picking is like.

But I think it should be possible for me to tune up the optional post-picking process in MoI in the future to work like that though.

- Michael
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 From:  okapi
3810.3 In reply to 3810.2 
Thanks Michael,
it is not much of a problem once you get used to it. I think it is a matter of convention as you mention.
I am just finding myself migrating sometimes between CAD and moi, and in these instances, I sometimes forget to deselect objects, and only find out that I moved it along with the new selection.
But it would not be a priority imo.

On another note, is there a way to cycle through the objects that are under the cursor, if there are several superposed objects?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3810.4 In reply to 3810.3 
Hi Okapi,

> On another note, is there a way to cycle through
> the objects that are under the cursor, if there are
> several superposed objects?

No, there's not currently any way to do this. I set Rhino up to do this kind of cycling automatically (with a dialog that pops up) anytime you clicked near several objects but over time I considered that to be a design error because it tends to pop up frequently without you necessarily expecting it on any given click. Things that pop up on the screen in an unexpected manner like that tend to become a constant interruption and distraction in workflow.

So MoI was designed specifically not to do that and is kind of the reverse - instead of wondering if you're going to get that kind of multi-selection box on any particular click, MoI instead dynamically highlights the object currently under the mouse (like for example curves get a kind of halo glow around them) so that you can see in advance what particular thing is going to get selected when you click, it removes the kind of selection roulette where you don't know if you're going to get a multi-selection box or not on any particular click.

In the future it could be possible to add in some kind of optional way to do it, like hold down some special key combo to get a list of all things close to that mouse point, but selection in general is a finicky and difficult area to work with so it may be some time before I can focus on that.

- Michael
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