re Sketchup Export
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 From:  unclecharlie
3790.25 In reply to 3790.24 
I do a lot of Sketchup work so here are my opinions:

Export objects as groups. Assign style colors as materials. All geometry and groups placed on Layer 0.

It is possible to also export geometry as locked groups, which can be safer but is not actually high on my list. When you import landscape geometry from Google Earth into Sketchup it comes in locked.

That's all; keep it as simple as possible.

Stay away from Layers. I have read that the only reason Sketchup has layers is because they knew they would have to import AutoCad layers somehow. Beginners can really screw up their geometry if they don't know how to use layers.

As the discussion has shown, edges, faces and vertices of two different objects can be stuck together if they get too close in Sketchup. This can happen between two objects that are on different layers if they are not grouped, even if one of the layers is turned off. So you can drag around all kinds of invisible stuff if you aren't careful. I don't use layers much. I prefer to hide/unhide groups and components in the Outliner.

It would be impractical to export objects as components because each component has its own axes. Well designed components require well placed axes which is a step you might as well take in Sketchup rather than an export dialog. It is easy enough to select a group and make it a component once it is imported.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
Thanks Igor & Pilou & unc for the additional feedback, that's helping to get things on a clearer track.

This whole business of "SketchUp has layers but you shouldn't use them" is kind of weird.

Also the interaction in SketchUp between groups and layers was somewhat baffling to me for a bit, but I think I've figured out now that layer0 is treated in a special way, with geometry set to layer0 taking on the color of the group's own layer, while geometry in other layers retains its geometry's own layer color or something along those lines.

The whole idea of a group having its own layer assignment as a separate thing from its geometry's layer assignments just seems like a kind of strange thing, particularly with the idea of overriding just some of those children's layer assignments but not others...

Some of this appears to apply to materials as well, since there seems to be a concept that a group can have its own material assignment as a separate thing from the materials assigned to faces within the group. It looks like if the faces are assigned to their own materials, then assigning a material to the group (or using the paint bucket on the whole group object) does nothing at all, which seems like it may be confusing to people.

On the other hand if I assign materials only to groups then that doesn't seem like it will be compatible with multiple materials within the same solid (if solids are exported as groups), like if you assign the top face of a box in MoI to be Style = Red, but have the side walls be Style = Blue...

I guess that I would assign materials to the faces so that multi-material solids would work as expected, and then just hope that people will know that they need to double-click or explode the group before their paintbrush tool in SketchUp would actually do anything to it. These kinds of things may be why I would not export objects as groups by default but have it as an option that you could turn on.

- Michael
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 From:  igor
3790.27 In reply to 3790.26 
I totally support this approach with just one little notion,

If a solid in Moi would have a single style assigned to it - I would go and assign a material to a group in Sketchup. If multiple materials are assigned to different parts of a solid in MoI - then I'd assign a material to each respective geometry part inside a group in SU

I personally always on purpose model solids as one style and if i get a group which has a mat assigned to geometry inside of a group in case of a multifaceted solid - I'd have to manually repaint each and every facet if i need to change a mat.

(of course there are plug-ins in SU - but that's not a neat way but a workaround)

No matter how you do eventually implement the feature I'm already happy as it's already looks like a good upgrade for me))

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3790.28 In reply to 3790.27 
Hi Igor,

> If a solid in Moi would have a single style assigned to it - I
> would go and assign a material to a group in Sketchup. If
> multiple materials are assigned to different parts of a solid
> in MoI - then I'd assign a material to each respective geometry
> part inside a group in SU

That seems like it should be feasible, so this will be the plan for v3. I've got these (export objects as groups and styles as materials in this way) on my list of stuff to add in to v3.

Thanks for the feedback on planning how to make this work!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
< my list of stuff to add in to v3.
I don't want to know how long is this list! :D

EDITED: 12 Oct 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Hi, im curious... was all this implemented on v3? Cause I desperately need it!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3790.31 In reply to 3790.30 
You need what exactly ?

If that is about group or other components
you can make that : name al your different futur objects (or not)
Export as 3DS files format, reload it in Sketchup - explode them in Sketchup = you have different Components !
and they will named obj0, obj1, obj2 etc...
In case where some components are exactly the same (like a copy)
use this plugin from Thomthom who make "Instance" of one! ;)
Components comparaison:

Have fun exporting!

EDITED: 12 Oct 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3790.32 In reply to 3790.30 
Hi Ed,

> Hi, im curious... was all this implemented on v3? Cause I desperately need it!

Sorry no it was not implemented for v3, it's still on the "to do" list for some future version.

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Pilou: I tried that but it makes triangles and it is difficult to edit on sketchup.

Ok Michael, thank you.
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