IE 9 and MoI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3780.13 In reply to 3780.10 
Hi macray, so also just to clarify - probably what you are seeing has to do with the kind of data that was imported from the STP file (if it is all curves only and no solids or surfaces) and not really anything to do with IE9 at all...

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
> I'm running Windows 7. IE 9 was on the list of programs to uninstall.

Ya that's why I told him to go to add/remove programs - but I don't think he tried that...

From what Michael's saying, it doesn't look like an IE problem anyway :)
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 From:  macray
3780.15 In reply to 3780.14 
I removed the update to IE9, so the display issue (the little navigation symbols in each display window; that this thread was originally for) is gone.

Now I have an .stp that I'd like to export to .igs or .sat but there is nothing saved... Will deinstall MoI and reinstall, perhaps this solves the problem.
The .stp has lots of surfaces that I'd like to use somewhere else. If I find no way to import I'll send you the file. but I'll try around some more first.

What you see is what you believe - so don't. (from an Amiga500 demo)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3780.16 In reply to 3780.15 
Hi macray, it sounds like probably a bug in the STP importer.

Try this as a possible workaround - open up the STP file and then save it out to a 3DM file instead of trying to go directly to .igs or .sat .

Then close MoI, and start it back up again and open up that 3DM file and now try to export to .igs or .sat, does it work ok with that sequence?

I've run across this in one other instance where saving to 3DM and then re-loading it straightened out whatever problem had happened to the geometry during the STP import.

If this does solve the problem, it would still be helpful if you could possibly send me the file ( so I can try to see what is going on with the STEP importer that then makes the IGES and SAT exporters error out from their exports.

- Michael
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 From:  macray
3780.17 In reply to 3780.16 
got a new revision of the file and suddenly it behaved as expected.

What you see is what you believe - so don't. (from an Amiga500 demo)
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