Colored Style lines
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3766.11 In reply to 3766.10 
Hi Pilou,

> If your box is just rotated around the z axis
> i believe i will see that

Right, so now these edges here do not have any colors on them:

So because those are not colored, would you then worry that they are also not flat, that they may have some small 0.5 angle degree from being horizontal?

However, they are actually in the horizontal plane...

I would be kind of concerned that such a mode would make you mistakenly worry that some edges were not proper when there is not really anything wrong with them.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3766.12 In reply to 3766.11 
< So because those are not colored, would you then worry that they are also not flat, that they may have some small 0.5 angle degree from being horizontal?
yes but almost
they are not colored because they have not the same orientation than axis !

so just 6 colors
red, green, blue (dark or bushy...dashed...) verify if same orientation than axis
red, green, blue (ligth tiny...dashed...) or 3 other colors for being // a plan axis but not same oriention

(middle case don't exist in sketchup)
for middle case that must say that object must know original position :)
or used another same color (orange) who replace tiny red and tiny green that explain // at a plan X,Y

EDITED: 11 Sep 2010 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3766.13 In reply to 3766.12 
Hi Pilou,

> yes but almost
> they are not colored because they have not the same
> orientation than axis !

Yes, but notice that the box is still all correct - all 90 degree angles, etc... Just because it is not aligned to the world axes does not mean that it is automatically a "bad" box or something like that...

> so just 6 colors
> red, green, blue (dark or bushy...dashed...) verify if same
> orientation than axis

Sounds like it is getting quite complicated, with so many different colors...

What about hidden lines? Would hidden lines be displayed in their regular faint dashed colors? So how would you tell the difference between a hidden-line blue line and a special dashed blue line?

Do you know of any other program that displays lines in this way? It could be helpful for me to see an example of it in action to see if it feels natural or if it feels strange...

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3766.14 In reply to 3766.12 
So is that actually a direct SketchUp screenshot that you showed there, or are you painting those lines in on top of a screenshot?

If it is a direct screenshot, how do you make it show like that, is there a special plugin or something like that?

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3766.15 In reply to 3766.14 
middle case don't exist in Sketchup (maybe by plugin i must research)
(so it's a retouched image)

for middle case that must say that object must know original position :)
or used another same color (orange) who replace tiny red and tiny green that explain // at a plan X,Y

For hidden lines no problem: use a dashed line with same color than visible lines ;)
visible lines must be not dashed

< if it feels natural or if it feels strange...
just instant view as you toggle in a click :)
Don't know if exist on another prog but I presume :)

But as you said it's helped for box volumes or volumes who have straight edges inside ;)

EDITED: 11 Sep 2010 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
it's current use in architecture ;)
If I rotate (horizontal) red and green lines disapear, will be fun if they stay or change in another color different than black current
Rotate all building in rotation different than horizontal is not pertinent ;)
(research of the SU plug is launched ;)
by F L W ;)

EDITED: 11 Sep 2010 by PILOU


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3766.17 In reply to 3766.15 
Hi Pilou,

> middle case don't exist in Sketchup (maybe by plugin i must research)
> (so it's a retouched image)

What about the other cases, are those something that you can turn on in SketchUp? If so, how? Are they a style that you set or a special mode?

Maybe in MoI v3 an easy way to make this would be to have a plug-in that set the edge colors like that for lines. It's not easy to make a plugin for that currently in v2 because a script does not currently have any way to know if an edge is a line or not. But once I add that in for v3 it would then be possible to make a script to set edge colors like this.

- Michael
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 From:  unclecharlie
3766.18 In reply to 3766.17 
In Sketchup you only get the R,G,B edges on objects if you have that option turned on in your settings and the edges are parallel to the X (East/West), Y (North/South) or Z axis. There is no visual clue for just right angle or horizontal. But it was originally thought of as a visualization tool for architecture so right angles and compass headings are built into its bones.

When you draw a line or rectangle though, or pull out a construction line, after your first click, you get a thin line that matches R, G or B when you are parallel to that axis until you make your second click. This is necessary for Sketchup since you are always working in 3d space. There is no defined rule about drawing only at Z=0 when you are normal to the X,Y plane. So it can be a very small mouse adjustment between a second point that is vertical (blue preview) and a second point that is North or South (green) depending on where your camera is. You can click a button and put your view into front, top, right, left, back or iso views and you can set your camera to ortho or perspective.

It is like anything, it takes a little practice but once you are used to it you can really pump out the drawings.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3766.19 In reply to 3766.18 
> In Sketchup you only get the R,G,B edges on objects if
> you have that option turned on in your settings <...>

Where is that option in SketchUp exactly?

> You can click a button and put your view into front, top,
> right, left, back or iso views and you can set your camera
> to ortho or perspective.

One thing that's always seemed odd with SketchUp is no support for a split view, it can be convenient sometimes to see things like both a plan and elevation view at the same time...

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3766.20 In reply to 3766.19 
< Where is that option in SketchUp exactly?
Menu Window/Styles and then Colors by Axis
(that is different of Style itself bottom page where you can choose Pencil, markers Oil paint etc...but can works of course together !
in this case choose first any artistic style then color by axis! )

<you get a thin line that matches R, G or B
(similar inside Moi of Helpers line X,Y,Z with Straight Snap enable but in colors ;)

EDITED: 12 Sep 2010 by PILOU


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