Hi Michael, thanks again and thanks for the explanation.
I don't know, it might be the older CAD thing that I'm accustomed to maybe, it's like that backward hide thing I asked for a little while back, most of the commands are fine it's just some commands feel right when I run the command first then pick the objects.
In NX there's a funny behaviour that's not really documented, I don't think, where each command window has the buttons 'OK', 'Apply' and 'Cancel' after picking whatever you want to do, pressing 'ok' will execute the command and exit the window, picking 'apply' will execute the command and not exit out so you can repeat the command on something else, there is no last command trigger in NX.
The middle mouse button in NX is the OK/Apply button, now the funny thing is if you hit OK in the command window, next time you use that command the middle mouse button is the 'OK' button and the command will exit after the operation, but if you press the 'Apply' button the middle mouse button is now 'apply' for that command and the window stays for another selection, figure the logic in that.
~Danny~ |