Bisector curve
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3745.17 In reply to 3745.15 
ok So I will can add it to my collection ;)
In French but Titles' names' scripts are in English :)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3745.18 In reply to 3745.14 
Hi Michael,

> I've updated the previous attachment,
> so that it should not show the repeat
> checkbox anymore for this command.

What?! I was hoping for the repeat checkbox :( isn't it possible for the command to end and the curves deselected after the bisector curve is created, so another set of curves can be selected ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3745.19 In reply to 3745.18 
Hi Danny, it's not really easy for commands that involve object selection to work with the repeat checkbox, because things are more primarily intended to work by selecting the objects that you want to work on before you run the command.

It's just so ingrained in things like basic file operations in Windows to do "Noun, verb" operations where you pick the thing you are operating on first before triggering the action that works on it...

In MoI I've also tried to accomodate people who are used to picking input objects after a command has been run as well (which is how several older CAD programs are structured), but that post-pick support is kind of a supplementary thing and not really the main focus.

When you work with pre-selection, sometimes you want to do things like do several operations in a row on the same selection, and if every operation removed the selection from the objects that would not be possible...

So when objects are pre-selected doing an immediate repeat does not work very well because it ends up too literally an exact repeat with the same input objects.

But that's one reason why you can right-click to repeat the last command as a separate thing from the repeat checkbox. The way things are set up now, the repeat checkbox is only for drawing commands where you pick points to define objects, and not for commands that involve selection of input objects.

Of course, it could be possible to make a customized version of this particular command that removes selection at the end, it would just behave pretty differently than how other commands are normally structured.

I've attached a version that does this, I think it's more like what you want and it allows for the repeat checkbox to work, but instead this version does not allow the lines to be pre-picked at all, it clears out the selection at the start of the command and clears it at the end of the command, so it behaves differently than the regular way that other MoI commands work.

Maybe I should have something like a "post pick" type global option that you could enable which would do stuff like clear selection like that when running all commands.

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3745.20 In reply to 3745.19 
< Maybe I should have something like a "post pick" type global option that you could enable which would do stuff like clear selection like that when running all commands.

or by commands? so a board with some cases to enable/disable?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3745.21 In reply to 3745.20 
Hi Pilou,

> or by commands? so a board with some cases to enable/disable?

I kind of hope to avoid such messy UIs like huge control panels that have lists of options for every single command...

But that could be a possibility if it comes up often. Maybe instead of a huge list of commands it would be something more like a place where you could list commands that you wanted to behave differently as an exception to the normal behavior.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3745.22 In reply to 3745.19 
Hi Michael, thanks again and thanks for the explanation.

I don't know, it might be the older CAD thing that I'm accustomed to maybe, it's like that backward hide thing I asked for a little while back, most of the commands are fine it's just some commands feel right when I run the command first then pick the objects.

In NX there's a funny behaviour that's not really documented, I don't think, where each command window has the buttons 'OK', 'Apply' and 'Cancel' after picking whatever you want to do, pressing 'ok' will execute the command and exit the window, picking 'apply' will execute the command and not exit out so you can repeat the command on something else, there is no last command trigger in NX.

The middle mouse button in NX is the OK/Apply button, now the funny thing is if you hit OK in the command window, next time you use that command the middle mouse button is the 'OK' button and the command will exit after the operation, but if you press the 'Apply' button the middle mouse button is now 'apply' for that command and the window stays for another selection, figure the logic in that.

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 From:  Anis
3745.23 In reply to 3745.1 
Hi ....

What is the practical usage of Bisector curve ?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3745.24 In reply to 3745.23 
Hi Anis,

> What is the practical usage of Bisector curve ?

I use a bisector curve for construction purposes, it's mainly used to make it easier and quicker to get the centreline between two lines which can be at different angles and lengths to each other.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3745.25 In reply to 3745.24 
Does the plug works with 2 curves? (not lines )

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 From:  Anis
3745.26 In reply to 3745.24 
Hi Danny,

Can you give me screenshot sample usage in your project ?

Thank You :)
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 From:  BurrMan
3745.27 In reply to 3745.25 
"""""""Does the plug works with 2 curves? (not lines )""""""""""""""

No Frenchy. At the moment, if you run it on 2 waving curves, it will just create a staight line, who's start and end points are at the middle point between the 2 curves start and end points.
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 From:  BurrMan
3745.28 In reply to 3745.27 
Hi Michael,
I dont want to beat ahorse, but had a question here. Perhaps I am misunderstanding something with the bisector. The script is creating a mid to mid point od the 2 lines at whatever length they are. The bisector "should be the ANGLE"??? With my initial method of using a tangent arc and a line with perp snap, bisects the angle. With the script, it is more of a mid 2 mid line generation.

In this file, the red line is MoI's mid to mid, and the other is the angle bisection...

Have I missed something about what was requested or the desired result. Thanks.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3745.29 In reply to 3745.28 
Hi Burr,

> Perhaps I am misunderstanding something with the bisector.

Yeah probably "bisector" is not the actual right term to use for this.

From what I could tell from what Danny posted at the start of this thread, it sounded like he was currently drawing in construction lines between the endpoints of the lines and then using midpoint snap on those construction lines to get the line that he wanted.

So that's what I automated in this plug-in.

I guess you might call it more like a "line blend" or "line morph" or something like that.

You are correct that doing an extension of the lines until they intersect and then forming a line of half the angle between that intersection (which would more properly be called a bisector I guess) is a different result than what this plug-in is doing.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3745.30 In reply to 3745.28 
Hi Burr,

> Have I missed something about what was requested or the desired result.

No you haven't, you are correct, thanks for picking this up, a bisector line should be a line that bisects the angle between two lines, I took it for granted that Michael understood what I meant, I should of explained after the bisector line is created the angles between the lines should be equal.

Sorry Michael, with Burr's persistence on this he's pickup that the script doesn't produce a true bisecting line, I haven't used it for anything yet just initial tests to see if the script works, no doubt I would of picked it up once using it.

Is it still possible to get something to produce a line that bisects the angle between two lines.

Cheers and thanks again Burr.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
So Plug must be modified or not ? :)
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 From:  BurrMan
3745.32 In reply to 3745.29 
tangent arc's perp.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3745.33 In reply to 3745.30 
Hi Danny, sorry - in your first post when you mentioned using construction lines I assumed you were talking about connecting the endpoints with construction lines and then drawing in a new line between the midpoints.

What is the actual process that you were using with construction lines previously?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3745.34 In reply to 3745.30 
Also another that got me confused I guess is the discussion about what to do with bendy curves.

If you want a line that is half the angle between the extended lines, I don't think there is actually anything with bendy curves that corresponds with that, is there?

So when you said that would be good to have for bendy curves as well in v3, that kind of confirmed to me that you must be talking about a kind of Illustrator-style "blend" or morph type operation between the curves...

What is it that you would expect to get from the "half angle" bisector method between 2 bendy curves then?

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3745.35 In reply to 3745.33 
Hi Michael,

My apologies, here at work when we refer to construction lines we mean any curve used for construction, so that includes circles, arcs and lines, I'll have to remember to converse in MoItalk when posting something in the forum to avoid confusion.

As for bendy curves, it just sounded like a good idea, but to be truthful I don't know where I would use such a function unless it can be used for more artistic 2d stuff.

Hope I didn't take up too much of your time ?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3745.36 In reply to 3745.35 
Hi Danny, I see - so yeah I sort of got on the wrong track when you mentioned construction lines, sorry about that.

> As for bendy curves, it just sounded like a good idea, but to
> be truthful I don't know where I would use such a function
> unless it can be used for more artistic 2d stuff.

But I'm not sure that there actually exists a proper equivalent solution with bendy curves.

There could be a solution for bendy curves if we were talking about the kind of "averaging the endpoints" type method though.

> Hope I didn't take up too much of your time ?

Nope, that one was quite easy to do and only took a few minutes. I'll see if I can cook up the proper one for you now though, it will be a bit more involved but should not be too bad.

One question though is how long would you expect for the bisector line to be, should it have one endpoint at where the original lines would intersect when extended? Then how far along it would you want the other endpoint?

- Michael
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