Hi vodkamartini,
> Regarding that, QT 4.7 introduces a new declarative UI (QML).
> Sorta like XAML, but in javascript.
Yeah I've looked at that a bit - it's totally brand new though, which scares me off a bit just in general. For example because it's new there really isn't much chance that very many people would already be familiar with that syntax, unlike HTML.
Also the general focus seems to be on making spinny whizzy animations with it, I'm not sure if much effort has been spent on using it for more regular application UIs.
Qt 4.7 is actually not even in final release yet, it's currently in beta.
> QT also includes a WebKit module that might be worth a look.
That is actually what I've been looking at - it's the easiest way to actually build WebKit without having to install a huge simulated UNIX environment (Cygwin).
- Michael