Hi blackpixel,
> Just another question. Is there a way to rotate around the
> center of the selected object?
Push the "Reset" button at the bottom of the viewport (or it is also mapped to another button on the device as well).
That will center the view on the selected objects the first time you push it, and if you push it again center against the whole model. The rotation pivot will also be placed at the center of the targeted objects so that you will then rotate around that point.
You can also center on a specific point by using the "Area" zoom button on the bottom-viewport toolbar.
> So when you have nothing selected you navigate as usual, but
> when you select something you still can zoom and pan around
> but you rotate around its center. It's like that in 3dsmax and
> it's very useful when working on details, so your object of
> interest is always in focus.
In MoI there isn't any way to set the rotation pivot to be some point way off to the side or something (like the center of the selected object would be if you panned around), the rotation pivot is always centered on the screen straight in front of you.
When you pan around, the rotation pivot pans with you so that you stay rotating around the local area of interest right in front of you instead of pivoting around some point off to the side.
- Michael