Camera matching
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3644.20 In reply to 3644.17 

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 From:  David (BLEND3D)
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3644.22 In reply to 3644.21 
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 From:  max3d (DAVEDAVIDSON)
3644.23 In reply to 3644.12 
very nice work mate and love the style you went for
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 From:  PaQ

Thanks for your comments :) really appreciate.

@Michael, I just move into a new place yesterday, so I can't do any test for the script before Monday at work !
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 From:  PaQ
3644.25 In reply to 3644.24 
Hi Michael,

So here a test with the focal converter script :
width 1024 height = 512 Modo Angle of view 40

The script return : 20,628 for the field of view,

here's the result :

It doesn't completly match but it's pretty close, so I can live with that.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3644.26 In reply to 3644.25 
There is not also a screen factor deformation depending of measures of each computers? (4/3, 16/9...
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3644.27 In reply to 3644.26 
Very Nice Model PaQ love the curves and detail!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3644.28 In reply to 3644.25 
Hi PaQ, yeah it looks pretty darn close. It seems like possibly the formula is correct but maybe there is some kind of slight pixel padding happening that makes the aspect ratio match not quite 100% correct.

If you want a better match you could try to see what happens if you shave off 4 pixels or something off of the width and height that you put in the script.

Also, does Modo possibly have any other means of setting the angle of view, like an equivalent of the lens length of a 35mm camera or something like that? If so then that may be possibly easier to match.

- Michael
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 From:  PaQ
3644.29 In reply to 3644.28 
Hi Michael, yes I will just do a little pixel offset for everygrab, it's allready much faster than without any script to assist me.
And yes modo has a focal lenght info to, for a 40°, it's 49.4546 mm ... does it makes sence for you ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3644.30 In reply to 3644.29 
Hi PaQ, give this one a try instead, it's based off of the focal length instead, implicitly using the film size of a 35mm camera as the image width and height so there's only one value that you set (the focal_length = part).

EDIT: note this script did not work right, use the one from earlier in this thread.

script: /* match view angle */ var focal_length = 49.4546; moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D').fieldOfViewAngle = Math.atan(12/focal_length) * 2 * (180/Math.PI);

Does that seem to work better or worse?

- Michael


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 From:  NightCabbage
So cool.

Envy :P

Man, I need to learn how to render (and get a good program to render with lol)
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 From:  necko (NECKO77)
3644.32 In reply to 3644.20 
great ! just great
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 From:  PaQ
Hi there, thanks for the comments !

Hi Michael,

Well actually using the focal length alone is worse than the previous script :

With the example here : render size : 1200 * 480 ... and an modo angle of view of 39.5978 (= a focal lenght of 50mm), the previous script return 16.39 for MoI FOV ... this is really close to the perfect match.

Using the new scipt with the focal lenght only (50mm) : I get 26.99 ... a huge difference (so the angle is way to wide)

I'm sorry I can't help that much with that trigono stuff, but again, the previous script is giving a really good average result, I can deal with.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3644.34 In reply to 3644.33 
Hi PaQ, ooops sorry yeah I see now that last script won't work unless your image width:height happens to match the same 3:2 aspect ratio of 35mm film.

In order for this to work on any size viewport, the width to height aspect ratio needs to be known by the script, so the previous one will be the one to use.

By the way, the reason why MoI controls the angle by the innermost square is so that there isn't a really big difference in the general working seen area of the view depending on the window's current size. For example if you drag the main MoI window to different shapes, you get stuff like this:

If the display is controlled by horizontal angle only, then that tall viewport would have its contents look kind of all shrunken down, if it used the same horizontal angle as what was used for the initial wide viewport.

- Michael

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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Hi Michael,

I'm trying to do something a little different than PAQ, but related.
Instead of matching the MoI view to modo, I'm matching modo's view to MoI,
so I can save an Adobe Illustrator hidden line file and match the view in modo,
then replace the Shaded background image with a modo render.

So far this is what i've been doing to get modo's FOV:

and for modo x and y camera rotation:

rotation x = 90 minus MoI's up/down angle
rotation y = MoI's left/right angle

Is there a way through scripting to get Moi's current 3D viewport pixel dimensions and camera coordinates/focal point coordinates?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3644.36 In reply to 3644.35 
Hi danperk, it turns out that there is a bug in MoI's setting of the FOV angle - the script interface for setting it did something wrong so that the angle that you see or set in the UI does not end up being the proper actual angle in the view.

So you'll need a fix for that before any actual proper matching will be possible. If you e-mail me at I can send you a test version that will help with that.

> Is there a way through scripting to get Moi's current 3D viewport pixel dimensions
> and camera coordinates/focal point coordinates?

Check out here for some script that will get the camera and target coordinates:

The pixel dimensions are available as .pixelWidth and .pixelHeight properties on the viewport.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3644.37 In reply to 3644.35 
And then when you do get a proper FOV setting, the way the FOV works in MoI is it controls the FOV of the minimum of either the width or height of the view. If the one in Modo is the FOV of the entire viewport width instead then you'll have to take that difference into account as well.

- Michael
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
3644.38 In reply to 3644.37 
>And then when you do get a proper FOV setting, the way the FOV works in MoI is it controls the FOV of the minimum of either the width or height of the view. If the one in Modo is the FOV of the entire viewport width instead then you'll have to take that difference into account as well.<

Thanks Michael, yeah I got that from your previous posts in this thread. I use the same viewport proportions in modo and it works well.

For anyone who needs it:

script: /* 3D window pixel dims to clipboard */ var px = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport('3D'); moi.copyTextToClipboard( 'Height=' + px.pixelHeight.toString() + '\r\Width=' + px.pixelWidth.toString() );
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