Top 5 Features list for V3 !
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 From:  wastzzz
3628.428 In reply to 3628.427 
Yes I could just use the boolean difference when the hidden line feature will be ready. But still I have to select by hand all the objects to delete. The problem is that this method is geometry-destructive, I mean that I always have to make a copy of the model or the file before doing it. What I was looking for, was an automated process for plane creation (from a line), difference, delete objects, generate drawing, and then undo the boolean operation! No need for hatch patterns, I always do hatching in Archicad or illustrator. But it's ok I can do it manually, I really want to try this new hidden line feature!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.429 In reply to 3628.428 
Hi Max,

> But still I have to select by hand all the objects to delete.

It should just be one window selection in the plan view...

> The problem is that this method is geometry-destructive, I mean that I always have to make a
> copy of the model or the file before doing it.

Why is that? You can just do something like open the file, do the operations you need, close the file and push "Discard changes" when it asks you if you want to save changes or not.

If you are super concerned about accidentally hitting save and overwriting the file, you can right-click on the Open button instead of left click. The right click does an "Open Template" instead of a plain open, and that does not set the current filename so it will prompt you for a filename if you hit Save that way.

- Michael
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 From:  wastzzz
3628.430 In reply to 3628.429 
Ok, that will do. Any ideas of when the hidden line thing will be out? I really want to delete Rhino from my PC :p
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.431 In reply to 3628.430 
Hi Max,

> Any ideas of when the hidden line thing will be out?

I'm still in the process of working on it... Maybe another week or so.

I think that probably the kind of section tool that you were talking about will be further out in the future - at some point I'd like to have the concept of a "Sheet" or 2D paper drawing view that you could generate and that's probably where an option for generating that type of section could come into play.

It doesn't fit into the UI very easily until there is some general category for managing 2D generated drawings like that.

- Michael
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 From:  wastzzz
3628.432 In reply to 3628.431 
Thank you. Can't wait to use that to produce my project sections :)
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
How is folders inside the browser going? Thats a feature I would really appreciate.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.434 In reply to 3628.433 
Hi Ed,

> How is folders inside the browser going? Thats a feature I would really appreciate.

That's not going anywhere at the moment, I've been focused on the new hidden line removal stuff for quite a while.

I definitely want to to have a folder organizer mechanism for the browser but I'm not really sure when it will happen.

- Michael
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 From:  wastzzz
One feature would be excellent for design workflow, real time temporary cutting plane for working in section. This feature allows people to study their models and add details
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 From:  al (ALASTAIR)
3628.436 In reply to 3628.422 
I know this is likely to be extremely complicated, but would it be possible to edit a cross sectional curve created in this way and have it affect the original model? I vaguely recall seeing something similar in SolidWorks once, and being impressed..

Also, to add to the debate above, a cross section tool similar to Sketch Up would be very useful for me. It would allow me to expose areas of a model for editing that are otherwise invisible (I'm using Moi for architectural work, so changing floor levels, adding doors, and so on.)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3628.437 In reply to 3628.436 
<< a cross section tool similar to Sketch Up
A simple Booelan Diff (or Trim if you want open volumes) by a straight line + hide one part (or move) don't make the same ?
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 From:  al (ALASTAIR)
3628.438 In reply to 3628.437 
"A simple Booelan Diff (or Trim if you want open volumes) by a straight line + hide one part (or move) don't make the same ?"

It would if I wanted to affect the geometry. It's really a display thing i need, to hide everything on one side of the cut line temporarily.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3628.439 In reply to 3628.438 
Make undo after ;)
But Michael will tell you if it's doable or not! )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.440 In reply to 3628.436 
Hi al,

> I know this is likely to be extremely complicated, but would it be possible to edit a cross sectional curve
> created in this way and have it affect the original model?

I guess it's "possible" in the sense that if I buckled down and worked on just that for a year or so maybe it could happen...

It's just fairly tricky finding spare years of work time hanging around though. ;)

There are a lot more basic kinds of editing to tackle first way before that kind of more fancy editing though.

- Michael
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 From:  al (ALASTAIR)
3628.441 In reply to 3628.440 
'I guess it's "possible" in the sense that if I buckled down and worked on just that for a year or so maybe it could happen...'

Ah. v4 then?!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.442 In reply to 3628.441 
Hi al,

> Ah. v4 then?!

It would be fairly tough for v4 as well, since it would be difficult to have a new version that only had just that one new feature in it.

The big problem with undertaking tasks that are hugely time consuming is that it's basically trading that feature for numerous other ones that I could have spent time on instead...

But that's where this discussion thread is helpful - if numerous people started posting here that having that one single feature was the most important thing for them outweighing anything else then that would move it up the priority list.

- Michael
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