Top 5 Features list for V3 !
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 From:  marcorhino
3628.4 In reply to 3628.3 
hi, all

quoto PaQ

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.5 In reply to 3628.2 
Hi Nigel,

> When I have a point selected I would rather the coordinates
> display continue to display that point's position rather than
> the position of the cursor.

This might fit in better in the object properties panel in the upper-right area of the window, in the same area where an object's bounding size is currently displayed.

> Or if I have multiple objects selected the coordinates is the
> average position of the centres of all of those objects. I would
> then be able to type in a new position.

With many situations, that averaged point is just some arbitrary point out in the middle of space between several of the selected objects, not necessarily at any key spot or even touching any object. My question is - what do you gain by setting the exact numeric position of such an arbitrary point?

- Michael
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 From:  okapi
Wishes for V3:

instancing system.
Ideally the instance could be kept as instances when exported to 3d programs such as modo and C4d, but this may be too much to ask.
Having instances for modeling would already be good.

Groups. I guess this will be coming soon.

Display enhancement.
Especially when I have a lot of lines, from imported plans for exemple, moi really slows down.
Would be nice if we could freeze all lines from one plan into one object.
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 From:  3DKiwi
3628.7 In reply to 3628.5 
Hi Micahel

>This might fit in better in the object properties panel in the upper-right area of the window, in the same area where an object's bounding size is currently displayed.<

That would work. That then leaves the coordinates at the bottom free to display the cursor position plus allow input.>My question is - what do you gain by setting the exact numeric position of such an arbitrary point?<

Probably I'm used to working in a polygon program like C4D and modo where objects or whatever is selected has a position. This isn't a major one and if no one else has asked for it then it's probably not an issue.

Re instances. While this would be handy in MoI for visualizing things I wouldn't get carried away about trying to export instances. Perhaps what could be exported is a point map if that's possible. Then in the 3D app like C4D or modo the one exported reference object could be instanced on to the point map.

Homepages: & C4D Cafe
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.8 In reply to 3628.7 
Hi Nigel,

> This isn't a major one and if no one else has asked for it
> then it's probably not an issue.

Well, others have actually asked for it too, it's just something that I don't quite understand because it kind of gives the illusion that you're doing something accurately even when you're really not if the base point that is being placed comes from some arbitrary averaged spot.

I think that it can get added into MoI anyway at some point, but maybe in a secondary extended properties dialog and not at the very top level of the main UI.

- Michael
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3628.9 In reply to 3628.4 
Hi Marco,

For V3... work in progress...


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 From:  OSTexo

1. Hidden line removal when exporting 2D vector images. MoI is unique already in it's great vector output quality using true curves, hidden line removal is icing on the cake.

2. Grouping would be a welcome addition.

3. The other suggestions are good, filleting improvements would be good.
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 From:  andras

Ok than I start too :D (order of importance)

- Hidden Line export
(- Panelling Tool
- Finished group system)
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
As far as speeding up the viewport (level of detail), you can already do that. Just go to Options -> View and increase the Mesh Angle setting to reduce detail and speed things up.
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 From:  PaQ
3628.13 In reply to 3628.12 
Cool, lots of addition !

Hi SteveMacc,

Well actually I don't have any problem with the geometry itself, looks like it's more the curve overdraw that slow down the viewport when stuff are starting to be complex.
I get something like twice the framerate speed when I temporary hide the wireframe on heavy scene.

Anyway, I know it was allready discussed, but I couldn't resist to post it.
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 From:  David (BLEND3D)
3628.14 In reply to 3628.12 
I imagine this may not be a realistic item but I could sure use part volume as a data output for a given model. I benchmark products and would love to model a part in MoI and obtain the volume on assemblies that do not come apart in a nondestructive way. Recently I lost my seat of SolidWorks to a real CAD guy (only so many seats to go around) so I've had to revert to doing a lot of calculations by hand.
Dreaming in Detroit :)
- David
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 From:  BobK
A 3 axis CAM plugin with the same high level of quality, support and value of MoI. Oh, and variable radius fillets.

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 From:  BurrMan
3628.16 In reply to 3628.15 
If Michael could have MoI get up and get me a beer every hour and a half or so...This would be nice and fit into the easy modeling tools category....:o
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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
3628.17 In reply to 3628.16 
But where would you put beer in the UI Burr?

What if someone preferred a scotch or rum? And Mixers, where would you put the mixers?

... it's a minefield.



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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)

I need a ruler in order to control some distances...and a goniometer for angles...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.19 In reply to 3628.18 
Hi Fil, just a quick note on this:

> I need a ruler in order to control some distances..

Currently you can draw a line to find the distance between 2 points - while you are drawing the line look at the distance readout in the bottom toolbar, here:

Also once you have drawn a line you can select it and the length of it is displayed here:

There's also a plugin command that you can install to get a "Distance" command as well:

- Michael

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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3628.20 In reply to 3628.19 
Hi Michael,

Yes, but if I draw a line in order to control the distance between two points, at the end I've a line that not use...
Now I'll see the plugin.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.21 In reply to 3628.20 
Hi Fil, you don't need to complete the line, just watch the distance readout in the bottom while you are drawing it and then instead of clicking the 2nd point to finish the line just hit the Escape key or push the Cancel button to cancel drawing the line.

That way you are not left with any extra line.

You may like the plugin though.

- Michael
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 From:  FiL (FILIPPOL)
3628.22 In reply to 3628.21 
Hi Michael, obvious! Why did not I think the first. I've installed the plugin now. It's what I was looking for.


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 From:  ppj
3628.23 In reply to 3628.1 
Hello everyone,

I vote for the improvement groups, and parents. I have in general more than 60 objects in view, the management gives me a headache. Fluidity in the refesh list of objects. Accelerating the display would be a plus. I see the difference, for example with modo, the interface is very fluid.
Multi-threaded operations for large cpus.

Thank you very much.
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