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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
3628.376 In reply to 3628.372 

the problem with Blender is that yes I can sculpt and or edit an imported STL for example but to get a nice and smooth model the mesh as to be quite dense and unfortunatly even with an 8 core cpu and 6 gig off memory Blender become quite sluggish, basically unsusable.

Also, yes retopo would be necessary to do something useful with Blender. Fortunatly for me, programs that translate the mesh to something else, either voxels and or bitmap are not as fussy about the mesh structure and size.

Though I can understand the major difference between Sub-D and Nurbs I would have thought the transition between the 2 would have been made much easier by now. Unfortunatly for me, my goal is to machine the model I would create. The mesh needs to be dense enough to be machined smoothly, especially the small parts. I understand also the quality of machined model is dependent on the CAM software and the macine itself.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.377 In reply to 3628.376 
Hi Felix,

> Though I can understand the major difference between Sub-D and Nurbs
> I would have thought the transition between the 2 would have been made
> much easier by now.

The problem is that sub-d requires a particular kind of topology and edge flow which is usually implemented by a human using their judgement and experience on how to arrange all the elements.

It's quite difficult to replicate processes that require judgement like that since they're not like checking off a list of simple yes/no type decisions like a computer algorithm is fundamentally based off of.

Retopologizing toolsets are probably what you would need to be focusing on if you need to do this kind of conversion.

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
3628.378 In reply to 3628.377 

yes again, retopo is the route one as to take now and there are good tools for doing just that out there. You'll probably agree with me that an even better route would be to start directly our work with a SubD program and bypass completely the retopo and or conversion phase. IMHO it would be much more efficient.

Out of curiosity, to your knowledge, is the route from SubD to NURBS somewhat more efficient? I just love using MOI and I'd like for example to be able to add a part made as a mesh from the start, say the "flowers" I made earlier to a mirror frame made in MOI. I already know I could convert the mesh to a heightmap and use ZSurf to get a Nurbs surface. Though it would probably work fine, it's not what I would call an efficient route.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.379 In reply to 3628.378 
Hi Felix,

> Out of curiosity, to your knowledge, is the route from SubD to NURBS
> somewhat more efficient?

It is, but going in that direction is a relatively new area of tech and it's not very common yet.

But there are 2 tools that can move things in that direction - either the T-Splines plug-in for Rhino ( or the Power SubD-NURBS plugin for Modo ( can convert a SubD control cage to smoothed NURBS surfaces.

- Michael
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
3628.380 In reply to 3628.379 

thanks for the info. TSplines seems awsome at first glance, it looks like it brings the best of both WORLD into a single uniform environment. I kind of like that approach. As for Power SubD-Nurbs, it seems more like a mean to translate SubD to Nurbs which is nice as well. Different approach and workflow, I guess it's a question of personal preferences.

Thanks again,
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Oh the requests... they just keep on coming!!! ;-)

Have a very happy 4th of July Michael!

I thought I'd enhance my request for the Array by Rotation tool:

Not only could you choose the axis of rotation in 3d space, (while in 3D view too)

but you could also move both the axis point(s) and original object while the dialog is still up and you have yet to hit the "done" button.

This way, one would not have to hit cancel so many times just to reposition the object or axis before rotating.
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3628.382 In reply to 3628.20 
Hi Michael ...
I would like to see a feature like Sketchup's 'section plane' ... it works line a boolean difference through an object but is not a permanent change and can be easily moved backward and forward fluidly.
It may be fairly simple but I can understand that it might be a hugely complicated bit of programming.
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 From:  wireframeX
Workplane is the first thing I need for now
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.384 In reply to 3628.383 
Hi wireframeX,

> Workplane is the first thing I need for now

Check out the Construction Plane tool under View > CPlane, more info here:

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does exist a whish list for the V3 like this one ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.386 In reply to 3628.385 
Hi Pilou,

> Does exist a whish list for the V3 like this one ?

I've just been using this particular thread in the forum as the V3 wishlist.

- Michael
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 From:  wireframeX
3628.387 In reply to 3628.384 
Wow thanks !!!

Didn't view it ....
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 From:  gbing
3628.388 In reply to 3628.382 
Hi Michael,
I'm also interested to a function similar to "section plane" of SketchUp.
In Rhino a similar function is "clipping plane" and you can define as many clipping planes as you need defining also thickness and colour of the section border with the possibility to have or not a filled cap (if the volume clipped is a solid). In other SW you can define also clipping volumes.
For complex structures, AEC, and assemblies it is a feature really important.

P.S. In sketchup a minus of "section plane" is that you can have only one section plane active (there are workarounds using groups or components but the workflow is not so easy)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3628.389 In reply to 3628.388 
<< P.S. In sketchup a minus of "section plane" is that you can have only one section plane active (there are workarounds using groups or components but the workflow is not so easy)

What is difficult in this? ;)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3628.390 In reply to 3628.389 
Hi Michael ...
Another one I would like: Styles ... I would like to be able to drag and drop a style into a new location. I know I can do this with the up and down but now that I have added many colors I have many, many styles and it is slow and difficult to add one and not relocate it by alphabetizing (all my colors are now at the bottom of the list and I want to leave them there ... yes, I could rename them to start with z but this is a big job). another assist would be a 'match' option so I could assign these new colors to new names more easily.
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 From:  gbing
3628.391 In reply to 3628.389 
Hi Pilou,
my previous note wasn't clear!
<< P.S. In sketchup a minus of "section plane" is that you can have only one section plane active (there are workarounds using groups or components but the workflow is not so easy)>>

I meant ... you can have only one section plane active at the same time!!

Here an example from Rhino:

3D model with 2 clipping planes INACTIVE:

3D model with clipping plane 1 ACTIVE:

3D model with clipping plane 2 ACTIVE:

3D model with clipping plane 1 and 2 ACTIVE at the same time:

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3628.392 In reply to 3628.391 
More infos ;)
So yes not excatly the same system :)

Else you have also this Cool plug Zorro2 by Whaat
Of course you must all explode before but you will have any number of Slice sections ;)

EDITED: 21 Sep 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  Dan_E10
3628.393 In reply to 3628.392 
It's been quite a while since I played with older versions of Moi3d. It seems some kind of N-sided patch or blend between more than 2 edges has been a want for a while. Is this already in or planned for the v3 beta?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.394 In reply to 3628.393 
Hi Dan,

> It seems some kind of N-sided patch or blend between more than 2 edges has been
> a want for a while. Is this already in or planned for the v3 beta?

These are not in yet but I am definitely trying to target them for v3. I've put in a fair amount of research time into N-sided blend already but it is a finicky area and I do not yet have anything that gives good enough results yet.

- Michael
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 From:  blowlamp
3628.395 In reply to 3628.394 

> These are not in yet but I am definitely trying to target them for v3. I've put in a fair amount of research time into N-sided blend already but it is a finicky area and I do not yet have anything that gives good enough results yet.

So if Solids++ doesn't get updated fairly soon, where does this leave things?

It sounds like too big a task for just one person to take on (you) :) and it seems to me that the only other option would appear to be a change of kernel within MoI, or is there some other way to get around this?

Martin (2).
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