Hi Michael,
this is really a beautiful script!
Thank you very much for it, as it will really help to work with the 'golden ratio'!
And because 'G' is already in use for your 'golden rectangular' script, I choose
'L' in memory of Leonardo Da Vinci ... :)
I already played around with it and noticed two interesting effects so far.
If used on a an angeled line both snaps appear perfectly but interestingly the
scrips seems to interfere with the perpendicular help-line from this point, as
this option does not show up in activated 'golden snap' mode.
But this is no problem, as once a marker line is drawn on a golden snap, the
perpendicular help-line reappears in a second step of sketching.
The other interesting effect appears on curved lines:
The 'golden snap' also appears here and indicates the golden proportion of the
projection of that line. I will see if this behaviour will be constant for any curved
line and its projection, as this also offers an interesting possibility to work with!
So thanks again for your 'cooking' as it really makes working with the 'golden ratio'
taste much, much better! ;)