rebuild, fuse, continue
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
362.2 In reply to 362.1 
Extend : must be something on the way!
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 From:  lwan
ah yeah, I more thinking of something like, you take one of the draw curve tool, you start to the end point of another curve, and then the software "continue" the curve like if you never stopped it.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
362.4 In reply to 362.1 

Show points shows the control point : yes!
But if you want move something from the curve just click somewhere on the curve (a point will be draw the time to move it) move it !
The curve moves ! Release : the point disapears !
It's the same if a point was exist previous :) Magic no ? :D

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 From:  lwan
mmm I'm not sure I understand.
I mean, since I drew a "through points" curve, I expected the control points to be ON the curve, and not outside as kind of weight manipulators, do you see what I mean ?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
362.6 In reply to 362.1 

Rebuild ?
See that :)
(on the right)
With the Historic function a cuve can be rebuilded :)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
362.7 In reply to 362.5 

J'ai bien compris :)
Relis ce que j'ai r�pondu : Ce n'est pas parceque tu ne vois que les points de contr�le,
que cela t'emp�ches de "prendre" un point sur la courbe � l'endroit o� tu cliques sur la courbe de le bouger!!!
Il ne se dessine qu'au moment ou tu cliques sur cette courbe :)
(ne le relache pas, bouge le, et voila :)

Ce n'est point un nouveau point de contr�le mais ta courbe � "bouge" comme tu le souhaitais :)

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 From:  lwan
not exactly the same as a rebuild function, the curve is an exact copy of the original. I mean, rebuild with the choice of the number of points, spaced equally or optimized etc...
but in fact I more meant a rebuild for a surface :)
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 From:  lwan
362.9 In reply to 362.7 
oui mais non ça n'est pas ça non plus :) là ton point il ne sert qu'a déformet la courbe à un moment donné, il disaparait ensuite. enfin bref c'est pas exactement super pratique !
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
362.10 In reply to 362.9 

There is not yet possibility to show "point on curve" !
But the result is the same :)

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 From:  lwan
362.11 In reply to 362.10 
definitely not, because you're moving the whole curve there. what if I want to snap some profile curves to sketch ones for a later loft ? It do not match the sketch curves because of that. Or I am doing something entirely wrong :S
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
362.12 In reply to 362.11 
As there not yet show "point on curve" (it's a young nurbs prog:)
Maybe the more speed is redraw a new profil like you want :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
362.13 In reply to 362.1 
Hi Iwan, I'll add some more quick comments here.

> Is there a rebuild function in or planed for curves & surfaces ?

There currently isn't a "rebuild with x points" function. I do plan on having one, but I'm not quite sure when it will get in there it possibly might not make it for the V1 release.

> Is there a way to fuse 2 points into one ?

For 2 adjacent points in a single curve you can do this by selecting the point you don't want and deleting it.

If you want to fuse the endpoints for 2 separate curves together you can do this by selecting the curves and using Edit/Join. After joining they will share a single point where the segments meet. If you want to smooth out that point, select the join point and delete it.

If you delete the shared point where 2 segments meet it will fuse the segments together into a single segment.

> Is there a way to continue a curve you built earlier ? I tried "Extend" but it doesn't
> seem to work as expected ?

There are a couple of different ways - one way is to draw a new curve at the end of the one you want to continue, then join it and delete the join point to fuse the segments together.

Another way is to stretch out the last control point of the curve you way to continue, then use Edit/Add pt to insert a bunch of new points behind the last point and then move those new points around.

> Edit: Also, when I draw a freeform curve through points, when I click
> "Show Points", it's turned into a control point curve. Is there a way to avoid that ?

No, not currently. It will probably be possible in the future at some point when there is more of an interface for editing the history of an object.

There is a way to manipulate a single point on a curve though, which may be useful to you - if you turn on control points on a curve, when the curve is unselected you can click and drag directly on a spot on the curve (instead of on a control point) - this will drag that point "on the curve" to a new location. Kind of like a quick mini single "through pt" adjustment. But it will only fix just that single point, it won't keep it forced through the other "through points" that you picked earlier. Still it is a useful trick for making a curve touch something specific at a certain area. It's also useful for kind of "roughing out" the shape of the curve since it is also a way to move multiple nearby control points in one action. This works when the main curve is unselected - if the main curve is selected then clicking and dragging on it drags the whole curve around.

Let me know if you need more info on any of this.

- Michael
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 From:  lwan
362.14 In reply to 362.13 
Thank you for the great answer Michael !

I think you pretty much answered all my questions (for now :). Thanks again !
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