how to make cut out piece?
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 From:  nonius
3612.18 In reply to 3612.17 

Made this little blutooth ear thingy with MOI.
As you can see I made it very small to make a solid out of it so that I can refine with booleans. But hey... I must be heading up the wrong road here :-)

what I did:

* scaled it down with scalde command
* select all > join
* select all > boolean > unite
* tried some cutout with a sphere but no luck.

Have to mention that when I single click the object it selects as a whole so it confuses me a bit.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3612.19 In reply to 3612.18 
Hi sven, could you please post the 3DM model for your earpiece so I could take a look? You could e-mail it to me at if you want to keep it private.

> Have to mention that when I single click the object it selects as a
> whole so it confuses me a bit.

Well you can easily have parts that join up on some sides but not others. There are a million possible ways that can happen, here's one quick example:

So notice there that those 4 surfaces can be joined together into one combined object, even though there is a gap there indicated in red? You have something similar to that.

One thing that can be good is to set up a keyboard shortcut with the following on it:

script: /* Highlight naked edges */ var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; gd.deselectAll(); var breps = gd.getObjects().getBreps(); for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) breps.item(i).getNakedEdges().setProperty( 'selected', true );

Then when you hit that key all "naked edges" (edges that belong to only 1 surface instead of being joined between 2 surfaces) will get highlighted, that can help to identify the areas where you have a hole.

- Michael

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 From:  nonius
3612.20 In reply to 3612.19 
Trying your script, mailing the file when that fails...needs to keep some things private ;-)

thnx mate

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 From:  nonius
3612.21 In reply to 3612.20 
Great script,

It returns me indeed 5 bad seams.
Now how to fix them, that is another question. I feel like an idiot, pardon me for that :-)


edit: no better school than trial and error! and ofcourse your help.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3612.22 In reply to 3612.21 
Hi sven,

> Now how to fix them, that is another question.

Well, it kind of depends on what the particular problem is in those areas. You may need to remodel some pieces if they were not built from the same curves or something like that.

Here's a quick kind of example - say I have some profile curves and I do 2 different sweeps along separate rails like this:

You can see that they surfaces kind of generally go in the same direction but there can easily be gaps between pieces if you build them with anything similar to this - to make things touch you would instead need to do something like make sure you use a 2-rail sweep so that the surface will be more controlled on all its sides.

There are also a lot of other ways you can get these kinds of problems, any kind of misalignments, pieces jutting out past some other piece instead of touching, etc... There are so many possible ways to make things that do not touch that I can't really give you a good solution without actually seeing your particular model.

- Michael

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 From:  nonius
3612.23 In reply to 3612.22 

I understood right away it was something like that. That's why I started trying to fix the issues (4) by my self.
It is challenging but I learn a lot, no doubt.


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