Suggestion: Cut at Point for 2d objects
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3606.8 In reply to 3606.7 
Hi NightCabbage,

> So you want to be able to just trim a curve by selecting
> the curve, running the Trim command, and then selecting
> the point at which you wish to trim the curve.

Almost - but probably this one would work outside of regular object selection, you would start the command ("QuickTrim" or whatever, it would be a specialized separate command from the regular general purpose Trim since the regular trim does a lot of other stuff like trimming surfaces and not only curves, etc...) and then you would pick a point with object snaps on to any existing curve. Then the object that you put the point on would be cut at that point whether it was selected or unselected.

Basically which object is to be trimmed would be determined by what you snapped on to, rather than it being based on regular object selection.

> Sounds good to me, I'd like this too. I often want to do
> simple trims like this, and have to first make a line before
> I can trim :)

Actually, you don't have to make a line, there is an option in the Trim command to pick some points on the curve to cut it with. To do that, click the "Add trim points" button that shows up in the Trim command at the stage where you pick the cutting objects:

The other method being requested is kind of a drafting efficiency kind of thing for making it a bit more streamlined to trim a lot of curves, at the cost of having a more specialized additional command that you would need to trigger to do it.

Probably in the future some stuff like that will come out as a set of drafting helper plugin tools.

- Michael

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 From:  NightCabbage
Ah cool, that add trim points function does what I need anyway, so I'm a happy Cabbage ^_^

Thanks Michael!

(I love it when MoI already has the features I want, and I just don't know it yet LOL)
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 From:  nycL45
3606.10 In reply to 3606.8 
> The other method being requested is kind of a drafting efficiency
> kind of thing for making it a bit more streamlined to trim a lot of
> curves, at the cost of having a more specialized additional
> command that you would need to trigger to do it.

How it works in VectorWorks. The knife tool (2D & 3D) has three options: Split By Point, touch a line/spline; Split By Line, drag a line; and Trim By Line, drag a line and an arrowhead appears on the side the knife is being held but pointing away from the cut, indicating that side to be retained.

Split By Line and Trim By Line are most useful in my work.

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