Fillet problems when modeling with lofts, sweeps and networks
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3604.10 In reply to 3604.9 
Hi Sven, do you maybe have an image or a drawing of what kind of final result you are looking for?

If you could show something like that to me, it could help me to make a more specific example for you.

One of the main things that takes some adjustment for people with a poly modeling background is to rely on cutting or booleans as a main way of working, since for the most part in poly modeling it is something that you try to avoid. But usually with NURBS you want to use cutting/trimming/booleans as a primary way of working.

So there is a pretty different strategy for how to best approach things.

But actually that's why NURBS modeling can be a really useful thing to add to your toolbox, because it has a different set of strengths than poly modeling and it can make mechanical models come together really quickly.

So there is still some learning curve involved with using MoI as well since the overall modeling strategy with NURBS will be different. But I've tried to make MoI's UI more welcoming to artists rather than only being focused on technical engineering users like other CAD programs.

- Michael
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