3d coat vs zbrush
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3601.29 In reply to 3601.28 
Hi Burr,

> Is this statement correct???
> "I am interested in only the underlying mesh and the export of it.
> I am not interested in UV mapping, Textures ( I interpret this to
> mean "simulating bumps and such with bitmaps") and various
> rendering mechanisms..

Yes, that's correct - but you may want to specifically mention that you want to export to STL for physical model construction, that just helps to clarify what kind of stuff you are looking for even more.

Maybe something like:

"I am interested in only the underlying mesh and the export of it to STL for physical model construction. I am not interested in UV mapping, Textures and various rendering mechanisms.."

Texturing does involve applying bitmaps to objects - it can be used for simulating bumps but also for making areas of an object transparent, or also just putting colored patterns on things as well. But all texturing stuff is specific to rendering. There is not even any way within an STL file to have textures, an STL file is just a whole bunch of triangles and that's it.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3601.30 In reply to 3601.28 
Hi Burr, re: lower polycount

Isn't it obvious? You just need to hit the "Iso Parameterization Save Abstract Domain" a couple of times while holding down Alt + Scroll Lock. Then throw in a bit of "Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation (with texture)" for good measure.

;) ;) ;)

- Michael


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 From:  BurrMan
3601.31 In reply to 3601.30 
"""Isn't it obvious? """""""""""

OF COURSE!! Why didnt I think of that. Some people just like pain!!! :o

Thanks Michael.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
In a nutshell Zbrush is a very dense forest, filled with very clever tools but often implemented in a clunky way.
This along with countless procedures, settings, exceptions, prerequisites, etc.

If you manage sift out only the things you need and don't bother with all the rest of the stuff it's not so bad, but still not very easy at first.
No doubt that for organic modeling it's quite powerful.

Don't know much about 3dcoat though...

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 From:  BurrMan
3601.33 In reply to 3601.32 
Yeah ZB seems like the big daddy, but I'm sure I would have a hard time using it. Demoing 3dcoat right now. Both apps do the type of modeling I'm after, but for me it will be the STL output (Too bad NURBS cant do this). Mostly I was wrong in the begining. Most artists seem to want to "decimate" and lower the polycount. I need to have as smooth of a surface as I can get physically. Fooling around with setting the resolutions of the model and the output right now...

Seems like for the CNC work, I wont be trying to bring my CAD model entirely into 3dcoat and working, it just degrades too much stuff with no options. Probably use it to create surfaces that I can toolpath in place of some finish passes on my CAD data, to get organic stuff cut in "particular areas"...

We'll see.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3601.34 In reply to 3601.33 
< Most artists seem to want to "decimate"
They don't want, they are obliged ;)
Except Zb and few other progs can't now manage such numbers of polygons :)
When you make animation you can't have these millions(billions) of polygons for make a render ;)
Same for make a Print 3D
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 From:  Colin
3601.35 In reply to 3601.33 
Hi Burr,

Not sure, but maybe this thread I'd started might help you in some way?


Something you can do within 3D-Coat with Voxels is a Boolean Difference" type of thing.
It's called "Subtract from"...it subtracts an object on one Layer from another Layer.
This means you can bring in your basic Primitive model shape, convert to Voxels & do the surface details.
Then you can "Subtract" other objects as needed before you finally Export it out as a STL for CAM use.

This was something I'd been playing with when making ring bases & needing to sculpt on the top of them once in 3DC.

HTH, Colin


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3601.36 In reply to 3601.35 
Hi Colin, looks like wrong link got into your post there, was this the one you wanted:

I'll update your message with that link.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3601.37 In reply to 3601.36 
Hi Frenchy,
Yes I see. There are many situation that will want to limit that stuff!! I guess mine is the opposite!!! :o Thanks again.

Thanks. Yes that is the same place I am at. Fooling around with it now and will use this thread you posted as reference..
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 From:  Colin
3601.38 In reply to 3601.36 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for fixing that.

regards Colin
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 From:  BurrMan
3601.39 In reply to 3601.38 
Aha, Success! I do believe that 3dcoat will do what i need. Exporting a finely diced STL was very staight forward and took no learning curve. Importing will take a little intro work to the app. got a basic result with little to know investigation. I will refine it with just a bit of classroom on my part.

Seems for me the hardest part is learning that it is in "Modes". Like "when does it stop being a mesh" and when to do the appropriate subdivision during import. Just a stage of the model and the 3dcoat terminology for actions....I could also just dice it up more with MoI also. Will do tests to check the size issues of the model with either way...

I've only got one initial complaint about the software and developer, but will use it anyway...

Thanks for the input on this!

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
3601.40 In reply to 3601.39 
Hi BurrMan,

To give an impression on how voxels are implemented,take a look on the last three pictures of this article.

Sorry it is written in the Dutch language,but the pictures are pretty clear.



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 From:  Colin
3601.41 In reply to 3601.39 
Hi Burr,

Looks like you've got a reasonable result, Congrats!!

I concur that it can be confusing to know when a 3DC command is complete because several of them don't have an "OK" button.
Best advice I can offer is once you see a change in the model, click on a Voxel button like the "Smooth"...
...that usually finishes the command as if you'd pressed an OK button...very confusing if you're coming from a CAD only background.

I'll keep a lookout for you over on the 3D-Coat Forum.

regards Colin
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  BurrMan
3601.43 In reply to 3601.42 
Hi Paolo,
Those pictures were a great example. Thanks!

And of course Frenchy with the knowhow to translate it for me..

Yeah, same here with the "just hit another tool" to commit...But I will want to understand it properly. I'll see you in that forum, but after i figure out "at least how to use it".....Dont need to come in and ask "Whats a Vox Tree?" Is that where all the Vox's run to hide from the Vog's chasing them? LOL

See you in the funny papers!
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
3601.44 In reply to 3601.42 
Hi Frenchy Pilou,

Really impressive this translation,my compliments.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3601.45 In reply to 3601.44 
It's not me!
It's http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en
Not perfect but gives the general meaning ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Yenmonger (OTTERMAN)
3601.46 In reply to 3601.39 
Ah, a C programmer I see!
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 From:  Kurt (KURTF)
For polygon reduction - perhaps a dedicated software would help?

I've heard of this one but not actually given it a try:

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