WIP Railing
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 From:  vinced
Thank you Michael.

Hi Jamie,
good idea. I will try it with a 2D-Person just black in the entrance.

Hi Brian,
no, these are some great suggestions. Before i started i had the aim for the first time to use Bodypaint(Cinema4d) to paint the textures, but i totally underestimated the scene size ( i have now 5.x million polys ). The material on the railing is only one tiled material and if i start to paint on it, cinema will create a huge untiled image. To have still a good resolution i might need perhaps 10.000x10.000 or more , i don`t know.

Another way could be to group the railing differently so that i can give every post or pillar a unique material. At the moment one whole level is only one object.
But at first i will only change the easy things, as i am a bit afraid about the work involved if i change the texture of the railing.;-)

Hi Pilou,

you are truly a master. See my reference image below.
En francais je veux dire "chapeau"

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3579.34 In reply to 3579.32 

It seems so little load on the system to use the shading tree system of Carrara --proceedural shaders?
These are some of the concrete ones in my little experiment.
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 From:  vinced
Hi Brian,

that looks cool. These are procedurals? It looked like you have painted them.
Do you know if there is ambient occlusion involved? It seems so, because the dirt is concentrated on the edges.

Unfortunately Maxwell doesn`t have an AO-shader. I will add a dirt and a rust-layer to the railling material and hope it will look good.
It won`t look as good as your materials as the rust &dirt will be placed more or less randomly and not controled by the AO-shader.

The only other way would be to paint the materials. I`ve just tried to make one untiled material for the lower staircase only, but cinema didn`t stop with calcualting the UV`s so i had to abort it after 10 minutes or so.

But thanks for the examples. Your work is really inspiring and rips me out of my lazyness not to do much more with my scene.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

EDITED: 26 Jun 2010 by PILOU

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3579.37 In reply to 3579.35 
Hi Vinced

The "dirt" at the edges is caused by an "anything goos" plugin within the shader tree.
I don't understand the term AO-Shader?

I normally do not use any GI rendering and NEVER get involved with UVs.
Attached is an example of the "rusty edges" shader tree set up.
Carrara8 Pro.

ps I just remembered about the built in AO option in Carrara--which I have only occasionally used.
I tend to render at the default render settings--because they are fast!---then take into Photoshop and, usually, just adjust levels. Much faster.

EDITED: 26 Jun 2010 by BWTR

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 From:  vinced
And another update,

maybe the final one . It`s a bit darker than before.
Don`t get it any better than this.
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 From:  medi (MALD)
3579.39 In reply to 3579.38 
Hi Vinced.

Beautiful work. Love the sense of desolation.
After looking at the picture for a while I thought that, considering the deterioration of the floors and walls, it seemed slightly out of place to have all the railings in perfect condition. I know they are showing rust etc. but I think they might be more realistic if some were bent out of shape, or broken, or missing.
Just my 2 cents worth.
I liked very much your industrial hall image but this is even better, in my opinion.

Cheers and keep posting.
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 From:  vinced
Thanks Mal,

"bent out of shape ect."
I hope that Michael will integrate the deformable nurbs toolset, that is part of the Solids++ Kernel, then i can easily bend them out of shape and integrate some irregularities.
I could do it with cinema also, but for this one i think i won`t do it, because i can`t see that image anymore ;-).

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