WIP Railing
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3579.16 In reply to 3579.15 
Hi vinced,

> Meanwhile i get "memory insufficient" or something like
> that -errors during export. Not sure how to deal with that.

You'll probably need to do the export in different sections instead of all at once.

To do that, select just some chunk of your objects (maybe try half of them at first), then use File > Export, which will write only the selected objects out to the file.

Another thing you can do to help reduce memory consumption is to reduce the display mesh density, you've got quite a large number of curvy objects in your model there, and by default things are set to make a fairly high density display mesh which makes things look nice and smooth but which takes up more memory which can add up when you have a large number of objects.

To reduce the display mesh density go to Options > View > Meshing parameters, and set "Mesh angle" to 25 degrees, and uncheck the "Add detail to inflections" checkbox.

That will make for a somewhat more rough/jagged looking display but it should reduce the memory load by quite a bit.

- Michael
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 From:  vinced
Michael, i`ve already done that.

I`m not sure if i`m able to finish the scene with my actual comp.
3dm-File is 800 MB huge. MOI uses 2.8 GB of my Ram(4GB).
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 From:  Anis
3579.18 In reply to 3579.17 
Hi vinced,

I think you can hide several components while working with your model.
Only show component that related to area you working on.

It will save your memory...
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 From:  Lemo (LEMONNADO)
Also... the detail is starting to make the image very hard to read. Maybe more closeup's.
Starting to come together!

PS:Brian... aren't the Saltwater Crocks eating the sharks for breakfast??? Those seem to be quite the beast.
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 From:  vinced

hiding components only saves memory as long as i haven`t made them visible since loading the scene. When i`ve made some parts visible the Ram-usage increases but it doesn`t decrease when making them invisible afterwards. At least that is what i`ve noticed.
The Ram usage is not so much of a problem until i try to export the scene as a whole, but splitting it up into different parts works.
But i`m not sure if my ram is enough for texturing. We`ll see.


something i`ve never thought about before, but is MOI a 64bit application and able to use more than 4GB Ram ? I`m on Win 7 64 bit.

@ Rainer

I just wanted to show the whole object, it`s not the camera view. At the moment i`m doing a test-render. When it`s done i`ll post it here.
The details should be better visible then.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3579.21 In reply to 3579.17 
Hi vinced, with something like that where you are continuously adding more and more things which are all pretty detailed you will need to split your project up into multiple separate files rather than having it all in just one single ginormous file.

It looks like you might have a pretty natural division there with 1 separate file for each floor.

Another thing that would help enormously for reducing memory consumption would be to avoid replicating the railing inside of MoI and instead make the duplicates in your rendering program where they could be defined as instances instead of as duplicated raw geometry.

I do want to work on making an instance mechanism in MoI in the future, but many file formats do not have any mechanism in them to transfer instances (for example OBJ and LWO do not support it) so even at that point it may be best to still do it in your rendering program instead.

> something i`ve never thought about before, but is MOI a 64bit
> application and able to use more than 4GB Ram ? I`m on
> Win 7 64 bit.

MoI is a 32-bit application, so it will top out in practice at something like 3.6GB of RAM usage (if you're on a 64-bit OS, more like 1.6GB on a 32-bit OS). Unfortunately it takes quite a lot of work to produce and maintain multiple versions of a program so at least for some time I am not going to try to make separate 32 and 64 bit versions.

- Michael
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 From:  vinced
Hi Michael,

"split your project up into multiple separate files rather than having it all in just one single ginormous file"
this is one of my bad habits to model everything in one scene

"avoid replicating the railing inside of MoI and instead make the duplicates in your rendering program"
if it is just duplicating then o.k. ,but if its more than that i don`t want to lose MOI`s snapping.

"instance mechanism in MoI"
Would appreciate that. Even if i lose the instances during export.
What about Collada? I know MOI doesn`t support it yet, but from listening to all the forums it seems that it will get the standard for exchanging files between 3D apps and kind of replace wavefront. Does it support instances?

Last update for some time (only quick &dirty)......
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3579.23 In reply to 3579.22 
Hi vinced,

> if it is just duplicating then o.k. ,but if its more than that
> i don`t want to lose MOI`s snapping.

Well, your ironwork pieces have a lot of repetition with the repeated panels, right? That looks like it would be a good candidate.

You also can do the instancing in some larger sections if it is more convenient, for example instead of doing it at an individual panel-by-panel level you could make the whole one side of the railing on the stairs to be an instance, then place instances on each side of each stairs.

Or this is another good candidate to have this whole piece as an instance and then have it replicated to the floors above:

re: Collada, I haven't really dug into it too deeply yet but it does appear to support instances.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3579.24 In reply to 3579.22 
> Last update for some time (only quick &dirty)......

Kind of spooky ghostly feel to it at the moment!

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3579.25 In reply to 3579.24 
Quick and dirty--------BRILLIANT!

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 From:  vinced
Thanks Michael and Brian,

here comes another update.
It`s not finished yet though i don`t know how much i can improve it further.

cheers vinced
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3579.27 In reply to 3579.26 
Great atmosphere and mood to it vinced!

- Michael
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 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
3579.28 In reply to 3579.26 

love the feel of the render. Crying out for something in the doorway. I just put in something I found on google. the doorway is the focal point I think you could do something with it. A person ,a cat, something


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
there was a scene like this in the movie Blade Runner ;)

EDITED: 25 Jun 2010 by PILOU

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3579.30 In reply to 3579.29 
Very impressed Vinced.

I opened up the image a fraction with the PShop Shadow/Highlight filter (as an experiment) and, maybe, you might like to play around with variations to the steel work and floor shaders a bit?
Just experiment. You may still end up as they are!
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3579.31 In reply to 3579.30 
I played around with some ideas and, really, I think what you have is better anyway!
Still, this may give you some ideas!
Makes the mind work.
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3579.32 In reply to 3579.31 
Just having a bit of fun
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 From:  vinced
Thank you Michael.

Hi Jamie,
good idea. I will try it with a 2D-Person just black in the entrance.

Hi Brian,
no, these are some great suggestions. Before i started i had the aim for the first time to use Bodypaint(Cinema4d) to paint the textures, but i totally underestimated the scene size ( i have now 5.x million polys ). The material on the railing is only one tiled material and if i start to paint on it, cinema will create a huge untiled image. To have still a good resolution i might need perhaps 10.000x10.000 or more , i don`t know.

Another way could be to group the railing differently so that i can give every post or pillar a unique material. At the moment one whole level is only one object.
But at first i will only change the easy things, as i am a bit afraid about the work involved if i change the texture of the railing.;-)

Hi Pilou,

you are truly a master. See my reference image below.
En francais je veux dire "chapeau"

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3579.34 In reply to 3579.32 

It seems so little load on the system to use the shading tree system of Carrara --proceedural shaders?
These are some of the concrete ones in my little experiment.
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 From:  vinced
Hi Brian,

that looks cool. These are procedurals? It looked like you have painted them.
Do you know if there is ambient occlusion involved? It seems so, because the dirt is concentrated on the edges.

Unfortunately Maxwell doesn`t have an AO-shader. I will add a dirt and a rust-layer to the railling material and hope it will look good.
It won`t look as good as your materials as the rust &dirt will be placed more or less randomly and not controled by the AO-shader.

The only other way would be to paint the materials. I`ve just tried to make one untiled material for the lower staircase only, but cinema didn`t stop with calcualting the UV`s so i had to abort it after 10 minutes or so.

But thanks for the examples. Your work is really inspiring and rips me out of my lazyness not to do much more with my scene.

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