Import for Inkscape
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 From:  NightCabbage
Hey Michael

Is there any chance of an SVG exporter for MoI? :)

(the same sort of output as the .ai exporter, but with the svg format)

I'm using MoI for a lot of 2D stuff and am using Inkscape.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3574.16 In reply to 3574.15 
Hi NightCabbage, yes I would like to make an SVG exporter for MoI, but I'm not sure fo the exact timetable of when it will be available.

For now, one way you can get your data to SVG currently is to export from MoI to .AI format, and then import the AI into Mayura Draw ( and export to SVG from there.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Ok, so I'm just wondering...

My Mayura Draw trial has expired, so I need something to read in MoI's .ai files and either export them to SVG (for Inkscape) or render them to a 32-bit PNG with transparency (just lines, very basic).

Should I buy Mayura?

Or is there a cheaper / free / better option available?

Just thought I'd check before I go ahead.


(unless Michael has made an SVG exporter or an .ai exporter that works with Inkscape lol)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3574.18 In reply to 3574.17 
Hi NightCabbage, you may be able to make something work with Creature House Expression v3.3 instead - that's available for free here:

That can open AI files that are saved from MoI, and it can export to PDF or EPS formats, which probably would then go into Inkscape.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3574.19 In reply to 3574.18 
Cool prog for go between formats !
And no problem of resolution ;)
Nice result for a Vectorial prog !
A cool review in French
or in English ;)
By Grahinc

EDITED: 4 Jan 2011 by PILOU

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 From:  NightCabbage
Ah, thank you!

It exports into Inkscape fine, yay :)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
export from moi works like a charm :)
The green line is Moi curve export in AI format!
So infinite crazzy worlds to explore :)
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 From:  Alomphega
Hi all,
(but Hi especially to Michael ! ;-)

Well, what about this PDF3D export function ?
Could we wait for it, as it will be implemented in the v3 ?


Best Regards,

Guy Capra,
always working on few funny projects : ; and so on...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3574.23 In reply to 3574.22 
Hi Guy, see here for some info about 3D PDF:

3D PDF export support is not likely to happen for MoI v3.

- Michael
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 From:  Alomphega
3574.24 In reply to 3574.23 
Ok, thanks for the link and for you answer Michael.

BTW a simple trick for those who need to show their own 3D stuff in 3D mode :
if we need just to show some 3D modeled without showing *all* what we modeled, think we can export to SketchUp then use the SU "animation/scenes" function to make a video-show...

Hoping this will help a bit,
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