Mark wrote "Would it be possible to have an option in V3 where you could apply different mesh export settings on a per object basis and have MoI export with those settings to a single file? ....
Also, it would be really nice to be able to apply a denser mesh only in critical areas of a surface. ...."
I have the problem often, that a small mesh angle is need to avoid a visible tessellation on large light bended surfaces. This small angle cause a to dense mesh at all other parts. Since MoI is created for easy usage wouldn't not better to add a "max error" option (distance NURBS to mesh) first than adding a meshing single objects feature? Also, it's not seldom that a single part contain large light bended surfaces and small rounds. In this case the different parts can be separate meshed. Attached a very simple example. OK, "avoid smaller than" can be used, but ...
I know we talked about it in the past. Only I want keep it in the mind, maybe it can be implemented in v3. ;)
Visualisation for Designer and Architects
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